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See plan details below.

My first project will be to insulate and finish the lower level (41ft X 12ft). Two sides of the space are partially exposed (between 1.5 to 3.5 feet below grade). Third wall faces a semi-conditioned garage.The fourth wall backs up to a ventilated dirt floor crawl space. All walls are block (~4ft) and 2×4 framing (~4ft + 12″ joist space for 2nd floor).

My Plan:
[Stage 1]
爬行空间 - 隔离两个外墙 +墙壁面向车库,带有3英寸闭孔喷雾泡沫。拆除高架地板托梁之间的通风和现有的隔热材料。面向较低级别的墙将无隔离。

下层 - 使用2x4s所有外部砌块壁(两侧)。
The third wall facing garage is already 2X6. Fourth wall facing crawl space will be left uninsulated.
Insulate concrete floor with 1″ rigid foam + plywood & finished floor.

Rear cantiliever (1.5ft x 71ft) will be opened and insualted with 4″ of closed cell

[Stage 2]

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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    Q1: "Can I safely add 4 inches of exterior polyiso, since I will already have 3 inches of closed cell on the interior of the wall?"



    A. That's a fairly general question. Any plan can be improved. For example, you could include more than 1 inch of rigid foam above your existing concrete floor.

  2. ny_art||#2




    PS: Re: the floor isulation. I only have 8feet of head room from the existing concrete floor to the bottom of the 2nd floor beams. With double 5/8 sheetrock (for sound proofing) + 1inch of rigid isulation + finished flooring, I am very close to my minimum 7'9" headroom. Is there a good way to warm the floor with less insulation? possibly more effective than the R5 rigid insulation?

  3. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#3


  4. 415irwin||#4

    Would it be best to allow drying to the outside? Given that the rest of the basement will be covered with exterior foam perhaps the above ground portion should be allowed to dry to the outside. In a past article or discussion on this site I believe it was said that the path for much of the moisture in a basement wall is through the top of the cement wall. Is this correct?

  5. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#5


    如果您的某些混凝土墙用刚性泡沫绝缘在外部,则全部您的混凝土墙应用刚性泡沫在外部隔热。如果您停止隔热水平的绝缘材料,那几乎根本没有任何好处 - 因为混凝土墙将因混凝土墙的裸露部分而失去大量的热量。

  6. 415irwin||#6


  7. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#7


  8. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#8

    First, you can't insulate the exterior below grade with polyiso- it is hygroscopic and will slowly saturate if buried. You CAN insulate the interior with poly iso.

    如果您在螺柱舱中有3英寸的2磅泡沫中的3英寸,您仍然可以在外部使用Poly ISO,但是您必须对所用的面孔进行选择性。请勿使用箔纸面对面的商品,但是有许多隔离的纸张或玻璃纤维面孔。那里只能提供0.5-1的干燥能力 @ 1层,这是可以的。已发布的规格通常是一个有点柔软的“ <1 perm”,但这很好。不要加倍。CC泡沫约为0.3-0.4 perms,除非您使用高渗透/低-R吹出的生气环烯,否则将运行约1.3 perms @ 3“/r15。而R18-R20和R15之间的差异可能听起来像很多,框架的热桥以甚至20%的框架分数(低于平均水平),这仍然是整壁R1的差异。如果我的房子我会在腔体和腔体中敞开的细胞泡沫将钱花在胖乎乎的外部ISO上,您至少可以从中获得全r。

    If the 2lb foam is already in and you're concerned about the iso facers being too vapor retardent, 4" of unfaced EPS would still be running about 1-perm. And at the low-temperature extremes in zone 6 the 4" EPS would be performing at about R18, to the iso's R22 (at that temperature and thickness), since EPS gains R with lower average temp, and iso gives up some. At warmer temps the difference in performance between the two would be more pronounced.

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