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What is the safest (healthwise) roller blind I can buy?

Angela Weber| Posted inInterior Designon

What materials would it be made of. I can find one made of linen but with an acrylic foam backing.

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  1. Charlie Sullivan||#1

    Unlike PVC pipes and vinyl siding, vinyl window shades have plasticizers to improve flexibility, and most of those are at least suspect health wise. So I don't recommend PVC. That's probably what you already knew and why you asked.

    Any fabric you are OK with wearing as clothing should be safer as a window shade. So that probably gives you lots of options. Are you looking for something that blocks light completely? That might be a reason for the acrylic backing you suggest. I am not aware of any health concerns with acrylic.

  2. Keith Gustafson||#2
    I am sure there are cheaper but any material you wish, I remember seeing blackout shades made with a white over black sheet sewn together

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