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Insulating Concrete Block

KevinPr| Posted inGeneral Questionson


I have a concrete block room that has a concrete patio deck above it. I am wanting to insulate the concrete block ceiling.

Since it is steel beams and concrete block ceiling I don’t want to drill holes into the blocks to attach any forms of insulation or studs. But I also understand from all types of insulation products and codes it would need to be fire resistant.

I’m thinking of gluing an insulation to the concrete block would be the solution. But all the insulations I am finding require being covered with drywall. Which would not be an option. Seeing that would require attaching studs, by drilling into the concrete blocks.

I attached photos of what the room looks like.

Any suggestions or recommendations?

Thank you,

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    Is that patio deck exposed to rain/snow/dew wetting?

    What location/climate zone is this house located in?

    1. KevinPr||#3

      Hi Dana,

      Yes, it’s exposed to rain, snow, ice and sun. I am right on the border of climate zone 4 and 5 in the southeastern part of Pennsylvania.

  2. KevinPr||#2

    Yes, it’s exposed to rain, snow, ice and sun. I am right on the border of climate zone 4 and 5 in the southeastern part of Pennsylvania.

  3. KevinPr||#4

    You can disregard my question. I got tired of waiting for you to respond with an answer. Thank you for nothing.

  4. Jason S.||#5

    The steel tendons would be embedded at least 1 1/2" within the hollow core planks, so you can mechanically attach tapcons or similar small fasteners to the underside, but I wouldn't run anything deeper than an inch. You could fasten 1x or 2x furring through rigid insulation to hang drywall finish (ignition barrier). Or pin up Thermax polyiso and tape the seams. Expensive but fast option would be closed cell spray foam rated for exposure or painted with intumescent.

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