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Where can I get the yellow mesh product in this picture or do you recommend anything else for the air gap?

Frost Patrick| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson


You quoted an article (Mind the gap eh!) that has this product in it. When I google search, I cannot find it. Can you tell me the name of the product and where to purchase? I am starting my project his Monday.
I am not able to paste the picture here, but here is the link to the article from building science corporation.

Any other recommendations you have would be great. I am a home owner/teacher and these are my summer plans

project plan from inside out:
I have re-purposed rigid foam Insulation from a re-roofing job at the school I work at. 1.5″ thick poly Iso with black paper on either side. Its in good shape. No water or mold.
step 1. Fill stud bays (2×4) from the outside while re-siding with James Hardie lap siding for existing part of home with the rigid foam. Plan to double them to the full thickness of the studs and backfil edges with a froth pack from Foam it Green.
Step 2. 7/16 OSB as per Hardie best practices
Step3. Tyvek Homewrap
Step 4. Rainscreen either 3/4″ furring or 3/8″ yellow mesh that I’m looking for in the orifginal question.
我更喜欢气隙的所以我不需要做ll of the following:
– extend windows and trim inside
– extend service panel: would be costly as the supply line is to short.
Step 5. Trim boards and Hardie install.

Thanks in advance,

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    The yellow plastic mesh is almost undoubtedly Home Slicker. It is manufactured by Benjamin Obdyke.

    Here is a link to the product web page:

    For more information on rainscreen gaps, seeAll About Rainscreens.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    It always pains me to hear of people who have perfectly good sheets of rigid foam, and who decide to cut the foam into narrow strips and insert the strips between studs instead of installing the uncut foam sheets as a continuous layer on the exterior side of their wall sheathing. By cutting the rigid foam into strips, you are ensuring that your wall will have thermal bridging at every stud, rather than a continuous layer of rigid foam to interrupt thermal bridging.

    But I know what you mean about details around the windows.

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