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Which is more efficient: a geothermal heat pump or a Hyper Heat inverter heat pump?

William Warren|发布了能源效率和耐用性

A Mitsubishi Rep. had posted a load run comparing there two systems stating that Hyper Heat Inverter would cost twice the cost of geothermal systems including installation.

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  1. GBA Editor

    I'm not sure whether you are asking about the cost to purchase and install the equipment, or the efficiency of the equipment, or both.

    A "geothermal heat pump" is more accurately called a ground-source heat pump. A ground-source heat pump will almost always cost more to install than an air-source heat pump or a ductless minisplit system.

    Hyper Heat是一种类型的Mitsubishi空气源热泵(无管型MiniSplit)的商品名。安装的系统比地源热泵更少安装。

    If the system is perfectly designed, perfectly installed, and carefully commissioned -- all very big ifs -- a ground-source heat pump will be slightly more efficient than a ductless minisplit system. But the energy savings (even over one or two decades) may not be enough to justify the higher installation cost of a ground-source heat pump.


  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    The answer is extremely site and climate dependent, as well as equipment-sizing dependent, and it's a moving target- both mini-splits and ground source heat pumps (GSHP) are seeing incremental improvements in system efficiency over time.

    There are temperate climates (US zone 3-ish) where the annualized average efficiency of a best-in-class mini-split could edge out the heating season efficiency performance of a pretty-good dirt-to-ducted-air system on an annualized average basis, and others (cooler parts of Ontario & Quebec,. most of Manitoba & Saskatchewan) where the heating season efficiency of a mini-split would only be about half or less that that of a ducted-air GSHP system. (Is that where you are located?)

    最高效率的GSHP系统使用低/低温湿热分配(泵送热水),使用混凝土板作为散热器,以及在地面环和辐射端的最高效率ECM驱动器泵送。完成了一些这些系统的一些系统可以在某个时间满足节拍5.0作为年度平均性能系数,即使是一如既上(所有抽水力占用),而导管的空气斗争为4.0(可以使用ECM驱动空气处理程序和简单的短管道)。大多数现实世界GSHP系统在美国气候区5和6个在低3秒或更小的位置,如果管道空气,如果水力为4 ish,主要是由于较低效率或次优泵选择和/或管道设计。在大多数美国气候区3个地点适用于加热载荷时,较好的迷你分裂将平均4个或更好的COP或更好的COP,但在第4区的45-ISH中只有3.5 ish,5 ish 5&6。

    With GSHP the efficiency realized is in the hands of the system designer & installer, and every system is a customized build. By contrast mini-splits are canned-systems- it takes some cleverness to really screw up (though there are plenty of clever installers up to the task. :-) ) The cost of just the DESIGN of a best-in-class GSHP system can be higher than the installed cost of a best in class mini-split.


    There are times when spending the up-front difference in cost on grid-tied photovoltaic solar would more than make up any shortfall on the efficiency end, and this is becoming more true every day. In 2012 the average cost of residential rooftop PV in the US was a bit over $5/watt (prior to any subsidies), 2013 is looking like it'll be falling to the mid $4s, but in locations where the permitting & inspection have been streamlined and multiple competing installers are operating in can be much less. According to Jigar Shah (a founder of Sun Edison, a 3rd-party ownership model solar company) one installer was projecting $1.65/watt for 2014 in some of the hotter markets in Texas. In Germany where it's a somewhat more mature market and quite competitive, the average in recent years has been in the $2-2.50 range, which is where it is POST-SUBSIDY for much of the US (where annual output per watt of rated panel is significantly better too.)

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