William Coperthwaite is a teacher, builder, designer, and writer who for many years has explored the possibilities of true simplicity on a homestead on the north coast of Maine. In the spirit of Henry David Thoreau and Helen and Scott Nearing, Coperthwaite has fashioned a livelihood of integrity and completeness – buying almost nothing, providing for his own needs, and serving as a guide and companion to hundreds of apprentices drawn to his unique way of being.
Bill Coperthwaite doesn’t have email, doesn’t have a phone, and lives in the Maine woods a few miles from the nearest roads. His three-story yurt is reachable only by the sea, or by a half-hour hike along a woodland footpath bordered by bunchberry and sphagnum and hair cap moss. At nearly 80 years of age, he gets a daily workout chopping firewood, hauling supplies in his cedar canoe, pulling fir saplings from maple and birch glades and performing other regular chores.
Born in the northern Maine town of Monticello, Coperthwaite majored in art history at Bowdoin. He claimed conscientious objector status during the Korean War and later taught at the North Country School in Lake Placid, N.Y. and the Meeting School in Rindge, New Hampshire. Bill has a Ph.D. in education from Harvard, worked for two years in Mexico with the American Friends Service Committee, designed a traveling museum of Eskimo culture, and has lectured all over the world.
In 1962, while reading a National Geographic article, Bill recognized the folk genius in the design of the traditional Mongolian yurt. He found in the yurt both a rich potential for creative design and an opportunity for developing a simple dwelling that people could build themselves. Bill designed the tapered-wall wooden yurt to enable people to play a larger role in creating their own shelter, using a design that reduces required building skills to a minimum while still producing a beautiful, inexpensive and permanent shelter.
GBA Detail Library
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part
土著蒙古设计由可折叠的圆形格子组成 - 图片图像一个古老的手风琴风格的婴儿门 - 可以在骆驼上携带并在一个小时内组装。木制框架是在一个圆圈中建立的,门口猛烈抨击。将柳杆从墙壁连接到顶点的木环,一个孔可以使光线进入,并一直绕着木木吹来。然后将张力带拧紧屋檐的整个结构。
The native genius, Coperthewaite says, lies in the Mongolian herdsmen's use of the tension band to take the outward thrust of the conical roof. The thick rope, made of yak or horsehair, eliminated the need for internal posts, rafters, lintels, headers and joists.
"They could increase the space in their circular tents by raising them on a low wall, providing support by tying a rope around them," he notes in "A Handmade Life." "The structure, made of light poles fastened with felt and bound together with bands of woven wool, was a brilliant solution to the needs of that harsh region's people."
"My goal was to design this structure so that it could be built in stages to allow a family to start out with a very limited outlay of money, time, and energy, then expand the building as their resources grew," he writes. "I aimed at an initial budget of $3,000. This figure would permit many people to bypass a mortgage, avoiding the usurious rates of the money lenders as well as their veto power over the design and time frame."
"The main thrust of my work is not simple living - not yurt design, not social change, although each of these is important and receives large blocks of my time," he reflects in his book. "But they are not central. My central concern is encouragement - encouraging people to seek, to experiment, to plan, to create and to dream. If enough people do this we will find a better way."
"If living is to be right, it ought to be beautiful."
Coperthwaite's Yurts.
I suppose if one wanted to know the ACH50 value or the R-value for yurts, then yurts wouldn't be the right building choice?
No, one would be asking the wrong question.
If the question were: "What simple shelter could serve the needs of people for thousands of years in both moderate and extreme climates, have minimal impact on the earth, and express the universal human need for aesthetics and comfort?" - then at least one of the best answers would be "The Yurt."
History of the Yurt
至少三千年来,蒙古包一直是中亚生活的独特特征。Halicarnassus的Herodotus记录了对蒙古包用作住宅的第一个书面描述,Halicarnassus的希罗多德斯(Halodotus)住在公元前484年至424年之间。希罗多德斯(Herodotus)被认为是历史之父,是世界上第一个记录过去准确描述过去的人。他将蒙古包般的帐篷描述为Scythians的住所,Scythians是一个骑马 - 提名国家,他住在北部黑海和中亚地区,从公元前600年左右至公元300年。因此,在第一个历史文件中描述了蒙古包在世界上。
意大利商人马可·波罗(Marco Polo)是第14世纪访问蒙古帝国的第一位西方人。他写道:“……他们(蒙古人)有木制的圆形房屋,并用毛毡覆盖,他们在四轮货车上随身携带。因为杆的框架是如此精巧,巧妙地构造,以至于轻轻携带。每当他们展开房屋并设置房屋时,门总是朝南。”如今,这种面向朝南的方向仍然很普遍,对于居住在赤道以北的人们来说,这显然具有优势。
蒙古包are still the most common type of habitation in Mongolia and even in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar (sometimes known as Ulan Bator) more than half the population lives in yurts.
传统的帐篷的墙壁是由板条的鞭笞ed together with leather thongs to form a collapsible trellis or lattice. The lattice was set up in a circle and the door frame was lashed into place. The crown or center ring was set on two posts in the center of the yurt. Roof poles connected to the crown and rested on the top of the lattice, all the way around. Finally, the entire lattice is bound by a tension rope. Covers for yurts in Mongolia were constructed of felt, beaten soft by rolling and kicking the wet sheep fleece. In cold climates, up to six layers were used for insulation.
蒙古包里已经用于一些最inhospitable and barren regions of the world: the deserts of the Sahara and Gobi, the Central Asian steppe, and the polar tundras. Yurts can be warm in temperatures of minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit and cool in temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
蒙古包are still the most common type of habitation in Mongolia and even in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar (sometimes known as Ulan Bator) more than half the population lives in yurts.
Robert Riversong has been banned from GBA...
Say what??
Although Robert Riversong has contributed greatly to this website by answering technical questions with useful information, he has also repeatedly ignored requests to tone down his insults. After being warned of the possibility of being temporarily banned, he posted a vulgar insult yesterday including a four-letter word that begins with F.
GBA has suspended Robert's access to our website for two months.
Robert is not the only person who has posted insults on GBA, and several other visitors have been warned about the GBA policy. GBA will strive to enforce our policy consistently.
I believe that Robert was insulted much more than he insulted... since you brought it up.
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