我被带到建筑团队这个项目after many of the decisions were already in place. The design was, for the most part, finished. Many of the assemblies had been determined (including the decision to use laminated posts 6 ft. o.c. with horizontal wall girts both inside and out). The original plan for the insulation was to use up to 7 in. of closed-cell spray foam in the walls. I was able to change the insulation strategy with a plan for a more “forgiving” assembly. We chose Rockwool’s 7-1/4-in. ComfortBatt, which has an insulation value of R-30.
使用矿物质羊毛绝缘有很大的优势。首先,它本质上是疏水性的。因为它是由岩石(玄武岩)和钢渣制成的,这是钢铁工业的副产品,所以它是否弄湿了。另外,它不会燃烧,啮齿动物和昆虫并不特别喜欢它,它是蒸气打开的 - 含量可以通过材料 - 它比其他类型的纤维棒绝缘材料更密集。
我选择了石棉的密度是主要原因。We were able to stack 24-in. by 48-in. batts inside a 6-ft.-wide by 18-ft.-tall wall cavity without the batts falling out of place. The product is very easy to cut and work with. (Because of the hydrophobic nature of mineral wool, this is the only fibrous insulation product I would use in this application.)
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