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The Benefits of Central Return-Air Vents

Reasons for choosing central return vents and tips for making them quiet, efficient, and effective

A central return has significant advantages over multiple returns spread throughout the house.




的the two types, one has significant advantages. Can you guess which one it is?


The central return is common on most older houses. It’s also common in “starter homes” and other less expensive houses. Because of that, some people think of a house that doesn’t have dedicated returns as being cheap or out-of-date. We occasionally haveHVAC设计clients who tell us they want dedicated returns because they don’t want the house to seem cheap.

Another knock on the central return is noise. I can empathize with that sentiment because I used to live in a condo with a noisy central return. It was right below the TV in the living room, and we’d have to turn up the volume whenever the system started running.



Why a central return is better


Central returns also can mean less energy loss if the ducts are in unconditioned space. Even though return air is not as cool or as warm as the conditioned air in the supply ducts, it still can be a lot cooler or warmer than the air in an unconditioned attic, crawl space, or basement. That means conductive heat gain or loss. Of course, you不应该将管道放在无条件的空间中根本没有,但是许多房屋确实有这个问题。

Another type of loss that happens in the return ducts is through leakage. Yes, ducts should be airtight with no leakage. But the shorter your return duct system, the fewer connections there will be to seal. Also, leakage on the return side will suck in air from the surrounding space, which can causeindoor air quality problems

Clean MERV-13 filter in dining room, taped into filter grille
Clean MERV-13 filter taped into the filter grille in a central return vent

And speaking of indoor air quality, central returns are a great way to be able to usehigh-efficiency filters(MERV-13 typically). Theproblem with trying to use high-MERV filters是对气流的阻力太高了。Increasing the filter areais the solution here. When it comes to central vs. dedicated return vents, the central return makes that easier.

Instead of putting the filter(s) at the air handler, you put it (them) at the return vents. The photo above shows one of the filter grilles in my house, and I’ve sized them to have a lot of filter area relative to the airflow rate. Yes, you can do that with dedicated returns, too, but then you have more filters and probably different sizes as well. We like to size all our filter grilles the same so the homeowner can buy all the same size filters.



Fixing the noise problem is easy. Noisy return vents are mainly the result of the blower being too close to the return grille. The solution is to put some distance and a couple of turns between the grille and the blower. Another way to reduce the noise is to size the system properly. Oversized systems have bigger blowers, and bigger blowers are noisier. Even better, use a small-capacity, variable-speed system (minisplit),比传统系统更安静。

阁楼上的跳线[信用:Mike Macfarland]
Jumper duct in attic. Image credit: Mike MacFarland.
空气阻力的问题的解决方案,heating and cooling losses, and pressure imbalances is to provide return-air pathways. That’s all a dedicated return does anyway. But you don’t need to have an opening in each bedroom connected to a duct that carries air all the way back to the system. You just need to have a way to get the air from the closed bedroom back out to the hallway.

提供回流通路的一种方法是使用卧室门周围的缝隙。We usually talk about this return-air pathway as a door undercut, but air can move around the sides and top of the door, too. Interior doors aren’t weatherstripped and usually don’t fit tightly in the frame, so air can get through all four sides. This method won’t work with all bedrooms, though. The amount of supply air put into the bedroom has to be fairly low.

我们在设计中经常使用的另一个返回空气道路是跳线导管。上图显示了加利福尼亚的Mike Macfarland的一张。该管道是在两根靴子之间拉紧的一小段弯曲,刚性肘部旋转了空气。当卧室门关闭时,这种跳线可提供返回空气路径。另外,套头衫上的格栅与专用返回时的格栅没有区别,因为那些想在每间卧室里看到回程的人。

The Perfect Balance from Tamarack Technologies is a great return air pathway retrofit
The Perfect Balance from Tamarack Technologies is a great return-air pathway retrofit.

Transfer grilles are another type of return-air pathway. It’s a grille through a wall or door. Sometimes it’s a straight shot through one grille and out the other. Another way is to put a grille on each side of the wall but offset them vertically. That can provide more privacy than the straight-through type. The photo above shows one of the完美的余额回流通路I installed at the condo I used to live in, and it worked great.

One thing that’s critical to do with a central return and a filter grille is to make sure the ducts are airtight. If you put the filter at the grille and have any leakage in the return duct, that duct makes it to the blower, coil, and heat exchanger. You don’t want that.

The clear winner



Allison A. Bailes III,博士是一个speaker,作家,建筑科学顾问和佐治亚州迪凯特的能源先锋队的创始人。他拥有物理学博士学位,并写Energy Vanguard Blog。他也有a book on building sciencecoming out in the fall of 2022. You can follow him on Twitter at@energyvanguard


  1. Matt Potter||#1

    Do jumper ducts transfer noise from room to to room? I appreciate this article it is very timely and challenges my belief that central returns are not effective. I would still like to understand more about this topic.

    1. Expert Member
      Malcolm Taylor||#2



      的the alternatives - tranfer grills or undercutting doors - they offer more sound attenuation.

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