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Residential Post-and-Frame Construction, Part 3: Installing a WRB

Atypical framing, no continuous sheathing, and cold temperatures make installing a water-resistive barrier challenging

Strips of Benjamin Obdyke Slicker were installed to the backside of the girts to keep some space between the WRB and girts for water drainage.

框后结构与传统框架方法的不同,以几种方式证明“ Barndominium”我正在咨询。一方面,在这个项目上,帖子在没有顶部或底板的中心为6英尺。这些柱子通过与混凝土板的连接(用现场金属支架)以及水平的2x壁式饰物直接固定在柱子上。此外,拐角处还有对角线框架成员,以帮助抵抗货架。

The roof trusses—also 6 ft. on center above the shop that occupies most of the structure—sit in a notch cut into each post. They are tied together with 2x purlins fastened on the topside of each truss. Neither the wall nor the roof has continuous sheathing, which complicates the water, air, and thermal控制层.


High-quality membrane, cold-sensitive tape

选择右WRB至关重要。我考虑了一些选择。我一直在寻找耐用的东西,其中有一个很好的磁带,可以在气候区域7中运作良好(我的选择使框架船员都超出了他们的舒适区域。)我指定了Siga的Majvest 200,因为它符合我的标准。将蒸汽渗透的膜直接固定在6英尺的中心杆上。这种方法很难。在冰冻温度下,在空中的近10英尺宽的Majvest范围内工作使我不受欢迎。(Majvest有两种尺寸,1.5米或3米;我选择了3米尺寸以消除一个胶带接缝。)

所有接缝均使用Siga的Wigluv 60胶带胶带,该Wigluv 60具有14°F的低温应用。有几次必须延迟录音,直到温度变暖。因为Majvest WRB跨越了几英尺,没有……

GBA Prime

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  1. Jason S.||#1

    好奇...为什么不将WRB安装在Girts外面,然后使用HomeSlicker Strips将其直接在瓦楞金属壁板后面进行排水?我认为这简化了开口处WRB的细节。

    1. Randy Williams||#3

      My reasoning in placing the WRB behind the wall girts was to eliminate as many fastener penetrations as possible through the WRB. There's probably not a lot of water that ends up behind the metal cladding, there's one seam every three feet with a good, corrugated lap to hopefully prevent water from moving between the seams. If there is ever any moisture, it can freely move down the WRB. Installing the WRB to the exterior of the wall girts would have greatly simplified the assembly, but I don't think the Home Slicker would have worked well, the metal cladding is fastened with screws, the slicker would have caused "oil canning" or small ripples and dimples in the in the steel where each of the screws were fastened through the cladding. The cladding also helps with keeping the building from twisting and racking. I'm not an engineer, but I feel this is best accomplished if the steel is fastened tightly to the framing.

  2. ErikOlson||#2

    Interesting approach. How compressible is the Benjamin Obdyke Slicker?

    Am considering something similar for my project to add a true rain screen. Plan is to rip strips of 6mm corrugated polypropylene to 1.5" and nail in place over the WRB and horizontal girts (bookshelf-type). May add butyl tape (deck joist tape) between the corrugated polypropylene and WRB to seal the nail holes.

    实际上,这将类似于Cor-A-Vent SV-3,但更薄。可能会垂直1'空间pp条,以帮助保持恒定的6mm间隙。已经订购了所有材料的样品进行试运行。

    1. Randy Williams||#4




  3. 丹·埃德曼(Dan Edelman)||#5

    Another great article Randy! Looking forward to visiting this project again soon!!

  4. chicagofarbs||#6

    Any chance we could get a close-up image of the Benjamin Obdyke Slicker behind the horizontal furring strips?

    I am researching how to effectively mount vertical siding, in a rain screen application, on top of a rigid foam layer, so there isn't sheathing or framing directly behind to grab onto.

    We were looking at just using something like a Cor-A-Vent horizontally without any wood furring, but came across this comment on another post:

    “ Coravent提供了板条 /毛茸茸的产品,但它不会为您的壁板装配。珊瑚礁是您可以开车进入的。”

    1. Randy Williams||#8

      Here's the close-up of what we did. I thought about a few different ways to keep water moving in this application, this seemed like the easiest option.

  5. Brian Carter||#7

    Moisture may not get behind the metal siding by penetrating seams, but it certainly will by way of condensation on the back of the steel siding.. It should dry out by draining away and evaporation, however, if the air can circulate well enough in the space behind the siding.. I would personally have tried for a better gap than the the Slicker creates, but only time will tell either way.

    1. Randy Williams||#9






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