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  1. 燃料问题。它可能是与所使用的燃料有关的任何事情:气体泄漏,漏油,煤尘,在带入房屋的湿木材上生长的霉菌。与测试许多房屋泄漏的人交谈,您会听到一些可怕的数字,例如他们测试的80%或90%的房屋都有泄漏。
  2. 燃烧问题。The products of combustion you get depend on the process of combustion. If the fuel is clean and burns completely, the exhaust gases are cleaner.
  3. 发泄问题。并非所有燃烧设备都将废气排放到户外。甚至其中一些确实允许溢出。

我在article on combustion safety

Gas cooktops and ovens

最大的细颗粒来源(颗粒物2.5微米和较小的PM2.5)在许多房屋中正在烹饪。他们在家庭中造成IAQ问题的最大原因是人们不会打开范围引擎盖。劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室(Berkeley Lab)发现,大约三分之一的人不经常使用射程引擎盖,而另外10%的人从未将其打开。

And then there are homes like the one below, where there’s no range hood to turn on when cooking. As you can see, the walls and ceiling catch some of the pollutants. The rest float around in the indoor air, being breathed by anyone in the house.

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  1. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1




  2. ||#2

    这将是非常具有挑战性的建筑和家庭energy and air quality professionals to convince people to switch from gas to electric cooking because much luxury marketing has happened to promote gas ranges. A luxury 6 burner gas range is one of those "you made it" symbols people strive for, along with big SUVs. I see it all around me in luxury renovations that didn't stop for a moment to consider induction. For those people, the coding of luxury will need to flip on its head before they switch.

    The irony is that newer housing developments that seek to minimize costs might actually go all electric to avoid the expense of a gas hookup and plumbing, so win-win as they say.

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