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It’s a beautiful spring day in Upstate New York. The trees have nearly finished leafing out, and lilacs are in full bloom. On days like this, it’s tempting to pretend that the climate isn’t changing that fast. But a glance at the last few weeks’ headlines shatters that daydream. Temperatures hit 50°C (122°F) in parts of India and Pakistan. In Texas, an early-season heat wave arrived while six power plants were offline, prompting calls to curb air conditioning use. In New Mexico, the Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak Fire grew to consume over 300,000 acres. Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory set a record, exceeding 420 parts per million (ppm) for the first time. And a new report from the World Meteorological Association estimates a nearly 50% chance that average global temperatures will pass the 1.5°C (2.7°F) warming threshold at least once in the next five years.



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  1. Dan S||#1

    This is a great overview. A couple of thoughts

    > It takes significantly more outdoor air to maintain this indoor level now than it would have in 1980, when CO2 concentrations were 339 ppm.

    It seems like this should be the easiest of the problems we have to solve though, since the biggest factor in high indoor CO2 is humans and combustion appliances. If it ever gets to the point that opening windows (or cranking up the HRV/ERV for those who have them) is insufficient, then civilization will have long since ended.

    Also, when talking with people about IAQ, I encounter quite a bit of skepticism that it is actually a problem, with some suggesting that taking steps to improving IAQ is tantamount to coddling the immune system.




    If these are real issues, we need trusted health institutions to add their voices to the chorus in unison, or give people the tools to fix these issues themselves. An great example of this is the box fan furnace filter air purifier designs making their rounds on the Internet.

    1. GBA编辑
      Kiley Jacques||#2

      这是对乔恩(Jon)的文章丹(Dan)的深思熟虑的回应。感谢您对提供人员工具的观点。这是我重视Allison Bailes对GBA的贡献的原因之一 - 他清楚地解释了一个问题,并始终提供了一个可靠的解决方案。实际上,他在这里提到的有关盒子风扇空气净化器的文章:Improving Indoor Air With a DIY Portable Air Cleaner。这是一种实用,负担得起且平易近人的解决方案。我们需要更多。

    2. Jon Harrod||#3



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