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Webinar: All About Indoor Air Quality

Allison Bailes, Monica Rokicki, Nikki Krueger, Cramer Silkworth, and Jon Harrod to hold a roundtable discussion about IAQ

Image credit: Eric Roth

Join us Thursday June 30 at 6 p.m. ET


Allison Bailes III, PhDis a speaker, writer, building-science consultant, and the founder of Energy Vanguard in Decatur, Georgia. He has a doctorate in physics and writes theEnergy Vanguard Blog. His book,A House Needs to Breathe . . . Or Does It?will be available in fall 2022.
Monica Rokickiis founder and CEO ofBetter Building Works的使命是帮助客户实现intentional, cost-effective strategies for context-driven, high-performance new construction, development projects, and improvement of existing buildings and campuses. She holds various building performance certifications, including LEED AP BD+C and EBO+M, BPI, and HERS.
Nikki Krueger是市场营销和业务发展总监Santa Fe Dehumidifiers. She has been in the indoor air quality industry for over 20 years. She is a RESNET-certified home energy rater, a member of the ACCA Manual Low Load Homes (LLH) Advisory Committee, and member of the Resource Efficiency and Indoor Environment Quality task group for the 2024 NGBS Standards update.
Cramer Silkworthis a licensed engineer providing Passive House consulting and mechanical system design. In 2012 he foundedBaukraft Engineeringto provide energy efficiency consulting for residential and small-scale commercial projects in NYC and the Hudson Valley and is a PHI-trained Passive House Trainer.
Jon Harrodis owner ofSnug Planet, a home-performance company based in Ithaca, NY. He is a BPI-certified Building Analyst and Efficiency First board member. He is a regular contributor to Green Building Advisor and his articles on high-performance showerheads, construction waste management, and the role of home performance in climate change resilience have appeared in Home Energy magazine.


  1. Charlie Sullivan||#1

    What a great group of experts!

    1. GBA Editor
      Kiley Jacques||#2

      I’m so pleased with the turnout, Charlie. Hope you can attend!

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