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Green Building News


Composites made from grasses.Startup e2e Materials has been working with a number of architects whose projects will incorporate products made with e2e biodegradable composites, which contain no petrochemicals or formaldehyde.


当它在9月庆祝其盛大开幕时,总部锡拉丘兹环境和能源系统卓越中心, in Syracuse, New York, will showcase its role, in a very tangible way, as “a test bed for environmental and energy technologies and building innovations.”

更重要的是,该中心还将与锡拉丘兹大学一起玩主持人Ninth International Healthy Buildings Conference and Exhibition, scheduled for September 13-17.

Needless to say, September will be a huge month for Syracuse CoE. But it also will be big for companies such as “biocomposite” specialiste2e Materials, whose building products are among those used in the headquarters building (which is, appropriately, a LEED Platinum structure).

Based in Ithaca, New York, e2e is gradually putting into production high-strength lightweight composites that are made from biodegradable, annually renewable sources including soy proteins and natural fibers such as jute, flax, and kenaf.

Patrick Govang, e2e’s CEO, points out that the composites, which weredeveloped over a 15-year period康奈尔教授Anil Netravali,具有广泛的应用。如上所述a recent格林科媒体博客,彗星滑板使用E2E的天然复合材料,而不是玻璃纤维或碳纤维,在其滑板甲板中。


In the homebuilding realm, the composites are being used to make components for furniture and cabinets, and for shelving, doors, and building materials, such as sheathing and subflooring, that have been traditionally made with particleboard or MDF.

In addition to their biodegradability and their relative strength, light weight, and durability, Govang cited several other advantages to the use of e2e materials, the most prominent being that they contain no formaldehyde or petrochemicals.

Then there’s e2e’s smaller carbon footprint in manufacturing. Govang says the production of e2e building components requires two-thirds less energy and less raw material than is required for particleboard. “We operate at about half the temperature required to produce typical resin-based panels,” he says. “We also require none of the OSHA equipment to mitigate fumes. So we use less energy, less material.”

The end product, because it is a protein-based material, also serves as a flame retardant. “It’s like trying to burn a piece of dog food,” Govang says.

Although the e2e manufacturing process requires the same size workforce used for particleboard (no jobs are lost, for example, if a particleboard facility is converted to e2e manufacturing), the cost of the product still is competitive, Govang says, noting that even though e2e’s raw-material costs are higher than those for particleboard, the end cost is reduced because less material is used and the manufacturing process is more efficient than turning wood into chips.

The company, which is run by a core team of seven people and assisted by four other organizations contracted to help it get going, recently completed a production run of 2.5×4 panels for use by furniture makers and cabinetmakers, says Govang.


At this point, the company’s basic product is called e2e Biocomposite. “We have not yet come up with a formal marketing name,” Govang says.

One Comment

  1. Pradoy||#1

    sustainability and soy base building products
    The story of stuff见E2E网站)很简单,因此对群众促进。如果E2E基于开创性的新型建筑材料,部分基于大豆的产品,它们也可能影响食品行业(通过增加需求提高成本)与玉米制造的生物燃料相同吗?也许需要进一步思考,以便使用食物来源作为原材料来开发产品;它推动了增加的需求,潜在的是,这是良好的,更多的就业经济增强等。随着种子公司造成更强的,植物易受卓越,卓越的疾病卓越的疾病造成更强,疾病越来越容易发生的疾病的发展(机会赚取更多资金)。为了完成这种种子公司的转基因(GM)种子以满足需求。潜在的糟糕,因为它尚未被证明这个过程在食物链中健康加上杂草控制化学品的增加。任何植物都有危险的化学品而不是GM准备。退房http://www.futureoffood.comor watch the video "The future of food" on u tube. "It''s not easy being green" as kurmit the frog says but a responsible understanding of cause and effect should be practiced in the pusuit of sustainability.

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