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EPA Sued Over Inaction on Paint Stripper

Health advocates and the mothers of two victims allege methylene chloride poses 'unreasonable risk'

油漆脱脂剂没有二氯甲烷are readily available. Many retailers no longer stock paint removers that contain the chemical. (Image credit: Scott Gibson)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been sued for its failure to ban methylene chloride, a chemical used in some paint strippers that has been linked to a number of deaths.

E&E News reportedthat a group including the mothers of two men who died while using paint strippers containing the chemical filed suit in a federal district court in Vermont on January 14. The Vermont Public Interest Research Group, and Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families also are parties tothe complaint. Andrew Wheeler, the acting administrator of the EPA, also is named in the complaint.

Methylene chloride is a common chemical in paint removers, the suit says, that is responsible for more than 50 deaths, as well as incapacitation, loss of consciousness, and coma in people who came into contact with it. Despite earlier promises to ban products that contain the chemical, the EPA has failed to follow through, the suit alleges, and has violated terms of the Toxic Substances Control Act.



12月,亚马逊宣布于三月开始,它不再畅销含二氯甲烷或称为NMP的化合物的涂料去除剂。许多其他零售已经采取了该步骤,包括Home Depot,Lowe,Walmart,True Value和Autozone。



  1. 约翰·克拉克||#1


  2. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#2



    Case 2:19-cv-00009-jmc Document 1 Filed 01/14/19 Page 8 of 14

    1. 约翰·克拉克||#3




      Silica dust is a problem but it doesn't stop people from cutting concrete or cement board with out a respirator. Are we going to ban cement board?

      1. Trevor Lambert.||#4

        I do recall reading about at least one case where someone wearing a full respirator died.


        Let's compare the cement board to the paint stripper. With the former, if you decide not to bother with the respirator one time, the possible consequences are getting sick many years later (and based on one incident, not very likely). With the latter, that one lapse in judgement could result in your immediate death within minutes. There's a definite difference in the threat level there that shouldn't be glossed over.

        1. 约翰·克拉克||#5


        2. 专家成员

          Banning everything isn’t the answer either, nor is licensing. It is not possible to regulate away all hazards and dangers. Some people will always get hurt. There are many electrocutions each year too, but no one is going to be advocating banning electricity.

          It is necessary to use reasonable caution. I remember years ago on a job I smelled what I thought was methyl ethyl ketone. I looked around and found a can — the maintenance guys were using it as a floor stripper. My crew wondered how I knew what it was, and I told them that now that they’d smelled it, they’d always recognize the smell too. I sent everyone home that day to avoid any risk from the fumes (we were installing network cabling in the building).

          我同意通过常规零售渠道劝阻销售更具危险产品,主要在承包商供应室销售更加危险的产品。它似乎通常是与这些事情受伤的房主/ DIY人物。





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