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Green Building News

More Builders Are Going Green


Image Credit: Dodge Data & Analytics

Homebuyers have higher expectations now than they did just a few years ago, and builders are responding with more houses that meet green building standards,a new study from Dodge Data & Analytics说。

More than half of the builders surveyed expect more than 60% of the houses they build will be green by 2020, with 36% of remodelers expecting to meet the same standards in their projects by then.


Exactly what constitutes a “green” home? As defined by the study, green building refers “specifically to homebuilding, home remodeling/renovating and land development that incorporates environmentally sensitive site planning, resource efficiency, energy and water efficiency, improved indoor environmental quality, and homeowner education, or projects the would comply with the ICC 700 National Green Building Standard or other credible rating systems.”

In other words, there’s still a lot of room for interpretation.


Banking on baby boomers


“The baby boomer generation is large and relatively affluent, which supports a stronger

green market currently, but there are also indications that demand may grow among millennials,” the report says.

For for now, the baby boomers are in the driver’s seat. For example, 81% of buyers over the age of 36 consider energy efficiency an influential factor, compared with 70% of buyers between the ages of 18 and 35. Sixty-seven percent of those 55 or older think that a healthier indoor living environment is important, compared with 55% of those aged 36-54 and only 49% of those in the 18-to-35 age bracket. Durability? Seventy-two percent of those 55 and up think its important; 47% of the 18-to-35 year olds would agree.


But the disparity in income between different age groups was only part of it. The study also found that older buyers had more experience with houses, and the more they knew about high-performance features the more likely they were to consider those features when making buying decisions.

Builders and remodelers said that 83% of home buyers would be willing to spend more for a healthier home, and the number of buyers willing to spend 5% to 10% more for a green home rose from 26% in 2011 to 33% this year. Still, costs remain a concern.



All types of renewable energy have grown more common. In the two-year period between 2013 and 2015, the percentage of projects with photovoltaics (PV) jumped from 12% to 19%, but the real growth appears still to be in the future. Houses equipped with PV will grow to 48% of the market by 2018, builders and remodelers said, while solar hot water heating would increase to 41%, and ground-source heating equipment would rise to 52% of their projects.




  1. Donald Endsley||#1


  2. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#2

    Response to Donald Endsley

    The most important factor, by far, affecting occupant health is occupant behavior -- not the specifications of the home.

  3. Donald Endsley||#3

    That's why I said associated,
    That's why I said associated, green building may be incorrectly associated with occupant health, but like it or not green building is associated with occupant health. I think the association may be minimally valid, after all VOC reduction and proper ventilation do show positive health effects in workplace environments similar results should show up in the home (though admittedly those effects may be diminished). As a Healthcare professional I completely agree that occupant behavior is the main driver of occupant health, just like occupant behavior is the main driver of energy use.

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