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David Wasserman shows me the retrofit he's done on his hot water distribution system

David Wasserman and I worked together at the Southface Energy Institute back in 2007-08 and have been friends since then. Before Southface, he was an engineer at Oak Ridge National Lab. We also call on him for occasional help with some of ourHVAC设计在能源先锋队工作。他知道他的建筑科学,尤其是机械方面。因此,当他在另一篇关于热水系统改造的另一篇文章中发表评论时,他在自己的房子上完成了,我想看到它。

他发布的文章是我写的那个评论why it takes so long to get hot water在你的房子。基本问题是,大量的热水管道均可太长,直径太大。在我写下我自己的房子的文章中,它目前需要两个半分钟才能在厨房水槽上获得热水。我可以将管道的长度减小到厨房,但这是杀死我的直径。我会在长期以来修复我的,但Wasserman已经做了一些关于他缓慢的水的东西。



The manifold for a hot water system retrofit for an old house
The manifold for a hot water system retrofit in David Wasserman’s old house in Georgia.


In case you can’t see all that in the photo above—and it IS hard to see with the pipes all covered in thick insulation—the annotated version of the photo below should help. The numbered lines are the new 1/4-in. PEX lines he installed between the manifold and the three hot water taps. (You’ll have to look closely to see the word “valve.” I couldn’t find a color that stood out any better there.)

Annotated photo of Wasserman's hot water system retrofit
Annotated photo of Wasserman’s hot water system retrofit


The old and new pipes for one run in a hot water system retrofit for an old house
The old and new pipes for one run in a hot water system retrofit for an old house

And how well does it work? He said it used to take over a minute to get hot water to his kitchen faucet. With the hot water system retrofit, it takes about 8 seconds. I verified that when I visited. They hadn’t used hot water in the kitchen yet that morning, so I turned on the tap and counted out, one-one thousand, two-one thousand . . . when I got to 7 seconds, the hot water was there.

Retrofit details

If you’re interested in the parts he used and other details, here’s what he wrote in his comment on the other article:

  1. 连接3/4英寸。到3/4英寸。尽可能靠近热水器出口。
  2. Create a manifold consisting of 3/4-in. to 1/2-in. copper Tees connected by 3/4-in. stubs. Put as many Tees on it as you need. End the manifold with a cap, not a 90° bend.
  3. 1/2-in. copper male adaptersto each branch of the manifold.
  4. Thread on aSharkbite还原适配器
  5. ThePEX管道then slips into the adapter.
  6. At the other end, find a 1/2-in. pipe [or whatever size yours is] as close to the fixture as possible and install a ball valve. Then install a 1/2-in. to 1/2-in. Tee downstream and repeat steps 3 and 4 above.
  7. This insulation适用于此管道。

注意:规定的管道码不允许管道小于1/4英寸。因此,如果您想去那么小,您可能需要工程师来帮助。您需要知道该行结束时所需的流量。使用1/4英寸。Pex管道,它应为约1.8加仑。每分钟或更少。此外,如果您需要运行超过25英尺的PEX,您也需要转到更大的尺寸。要更好地处理所需的内容,请使用此plastic pipe design calculator



艾莉森巴利斯of Atlanta, Georgia, is a speaker, writer, building science consultant, and the founder of Energy Vanguard. He has a PhD in physics and writes the能源先锋博客。他也是writing a book on building science。你可以在推特上跟着他@EnergyVanguard

One Comment

  1. Brian Wiley||#1


    一般来说,随着按需的无水加热器,在更加传统的坦克热水器上方和超过一个更加传统的油罐热水器和1/4“邮政的问题,以及超过一个更传统的油箱热水器的问题-.06 GPM踢出,然后大约一半的时间来维持,但是如果这是一个简要意味着1/4“Pex就是这样的可能性。

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