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在一个名为的网站上LEEDexposed, the building rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council is attacked on a number of fronts: for its “questionable science,” its “arbitrary point system,” and its cost to taxpayers.


Does energy use intensity matter?

在TreeHugger网站上,反对该方法的作家以及该消息的作家中是劳埃德·阿特尔(Lloyd Alter)。他专门研究华盛顿特区的大型私有LEED认证建筑物比未经认证的建筑物具有更高的能源使用强度(EUI)。显然提取了结论从报告中上个月下旬由哥伦比亚特区发行。


他说:“实际上,情况通常是这种情况,因为LEED建筑物是更新的现代办公室计划,将人们更加紧密地包装到更多的计算机上,因此他们每平方英尺使用更多的能量……本身,EUI ISN’t a very useful metric; a bunch of rich old fossil fuel lobbyists in big corner offices are going to use a lot less energy per square foot than the kids packed into the USGBC headquarters.”

Alter使Leedpood(称为环境政策联盟)与华盛顿律师Richard Berman之间建立了联系,萨拉·约翰逊(Sara Johnson)也在an articleshe wrote forArchitect。Berman has a long history of taking on unpopular causes for corporate clients and was the subject of a60分钟题为“Dr. Evil”

Green is no simple business




约翰逊称leed暴露网站为“ Astroturfing”的例子。该短语描述了组织的滑稽动作,这些组织实际上是由大公司试图传达信息的大型公司的资金时,将其作为基层服装。

Whoever might ultimately be funding the LEED-bashing site, it’s not the first time the U.S. Green Building Council program has come under attack. It’s been center-stage in such diverse public spats as持续争夺木材认证to a广为人知的诉讼亨利·吉福德(Henry Gifford)在纽约提交了利兹的能源效率主张。

In the end, it’s about who gets the competitive edge as green certification gains ground in the marketplace. The U.S. Green Building Council is, after all, competing with a variety of other building-rating programs, such as theGreen GlobesLeedpacted提到的倡议。口语战将有助于确定绿色认证金钱的去向。


  1. 比尔·史密斯||#1

    This could be one of the biggest PR boosts for LEED in years. I'm not a LEED fan by any means, but I find myself getting behind them in this spat.

    I think it's the same reaction as when families fight and bicker but join forces when a non family member attacks your cousin. Your cousin may not be right all the time, but he is your cousin.

    And there is the slim hope that your cousin will someday mend his ways.

  2. Kye Ford||#2

    The problem with LEEd is that it is not convoluted enough. There needs to be more categories with more points! It's confusing now but if they really want to make people's heads explode, and make it more expensive, they need to ratchet it up a notch. How about credits for the G.C. driving a Prius to the 4000s.f. "Green" McMansion?

  3. 迈耶·布伦丹(Meyer Brendan)||#3

    Favorite summary statement from the DC report
    "Age has no impact. Contrary to popular belief, there is zero correlation between the age of a building and its energy performance."




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