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It’s all part of Representative Chuck Fleischmann’s campaign to stop “green initiative abuse”



So, after a well-deserved Thanksgiving recess, some of the lawmakers will pack themselves back into the little car and head for a number of legislative safe houses, where they’ll try to repeal the automatic budget cuts – about half targeting military spending and half targeting domestic programs – that have been triggered by the deficit committee’s failure.


A relatively small program with big notoriety

Elected officials, though, do have ways of at least trying to appear productive, much like a hamster on a hamster wheel appears to be going nowhere fast. A case in point is theStop Green Initiative Abuse Act of 2011,introduced by Representative Chuck Fleischmann, a Republican representing the Third Congressional District in Tennessee. The purpose of the measure is to eliminate the Weatherization Assistance Program, which provides free weatherization services for low-income households.

The WAP, which is administered by the Department of Energy, has historically been ignored by politicians as a cost-cutting target because its annual budget was, at a few million dollars, relatively small. But the program became a favorite piñata of conservatives after its budget ballooned dramatically – to about $5 billion over three years, under the $787 billion economic stimulus program – and program administratorsstruggled to synchronize and implement它的规定和推出。

尽管WAP分配th的0.6%左右e total stimulus budget, the program has been so successfully demonized that it ranks high on tallies compiled by YouCut, a Republican program that allows voters to vote online for the government programs they want cut. “I am also glad the American people directly had a say in this process through the YouCut program. Together we can get our fiscal house in order and get our country back on the right track,” Fleischmann said in a press release about the legislation, which was announced on November 16.


The congressman says the Weatherization Assistance Program is dispensable because other federal programs, such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), “are already in place.” In fact, WAP was created in 1976, five years before the launch of LIHEAP, which provides one-time funding to low-income households to help them cover their utility bills. In many states, WAP and LIHEAP services are administered by the same state agency and offered in tandem. Weatherization improvements, however, provide ongoing energy savings rather than one-time assistance with energy bills.


Other WAP snafus have emerged since then, including,在加利福尼亚的情况下,支持人员之间的计算机训练缺陷。但是,尽管其推出延误,审计头痛,复杂性和管理困难,但扩大的WAP终于在大多数州看到了成功,并且长期将为改装房屋的居住者带来节能福利。扩展计划的目标是气候60万户主;根据DOE估计,到今年第二季度末,大约有484,000个(仅占目标的80%以上)进行了改造。

Unlikely bipartisan support

But as we’ve noted, most elected officials at least try to appear responsive to their constituents, and Fleischmann’s decision to target the already vilified WAP gave him an easy, symbolic, conservative twofer, even if the amount of money the government would save by eliminating the program – $2.1 billion over the next 10 years, by Fleischmann’s estimate, or an average of $210 million annually – is relatively small.

There’s no indication that the measure has any chance of becoming law, although if Rick Perry gets elected president and doesn’t forget to eliminate the Department of Energy, as he promised, it won’t matter.


  1. Aaron Vander Meulen||#1

    有趣的事实,越来越多的人批准of the US becoming communist than approve of the job congress is doing. Here's more proof.




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