Green Building Program Roadkill
First, a little history The competition is heating up in the world of green-building certification. Things moved slowly and steadily, starting way back when Austin, Texas put together its local…
Helping the Environment, One Drop at a Time
There is a lot of discussion about pervious paving and its contribution to the environment. Standard paving materials collect pollutants like oil, chemicals, and rubber tire particles from vehicles, pesticides,…
Product Verification – Are We SAVED?
Following up on my comments on green product verification – One More Thing to Worry About– I recently learned about ICC ES-SAVE (Sustainable Attributes Verification and Evaluation), yet another program…
How Big Should a House Be?
I am in the process of planning to build myself a new house. I currently live in a 700-square-foot cottage built in 1925 that I have determined is ready for…
Logo Wars
As soon as a LEED project gets certified, builders have to run out and paint over their signs
Time to stop building new single-family homes
A recent article in The Atlantic magazine by Richard Florida, "How the Crash Will Reshape America," has some very interesting observations about home ownership and the damage that our society…
Local Food, Local Wood
Can we use more local lumber from local sawmills for home construction?
Why Do We Have Waste?
Recycling is becoming firmly entrenched in society. Kids in school are taught the merits of recycling paper, plastics, and the like, and are successfully shaming their parents into changing their…
One More Thing to Worry About
The NAHB Research Center has just announced its “Green Approved” certification for product manufacturers, and the first seal of approval has been issued to Weyerhauser for its iLevel structural wood…
You said it, Devon
在肠易激综合症的一个新闻发布会上,Devon Hartman of HartmanBaldwin Design Build described his introduction to green building. Pointing out that he had been doing high quality design build work…