Net-Zero Emissions: Winning Strategy or Destined for Failure?
Some scientists argue that this defining approach to international climate efforts simply perpetuates the status quo
Big Wind Makes Its Offshore Debut
The U.S. has approved its first big offshore wind farm, near Martha's Vineyard, and it's a breakthrough for the industry
California’s Solar Canal Solution
Shading the state's canals with solar panels would save water and land while providing a new source of renewable energy
In Europe, Backlash Grows Over Incinerating Garbage
After years of supporting waste-to-energy plants, the EU confronts their role in carbon emissions
Bendable Concrete Could Dramatically Cut Global Emissions
Cement now accounts for 7% of total global carbon dioxide emissions but promising technologies are already here
Phthalates and Children’s Health
If you have kids, steer clear of these common chemicals found in many plastics
Cities Confront Climate Challenge
Ending the use of fossil fuels to heat homes and buildings is no easy feat for cities built on natural gas
Two Carbon-Smart Ideas in the Attic
Details on insulating and air-sealing unconditioned attics that lower embodied carbon
Not All Share Equally in the Benefits of Urban Green Spaces
Affluent white communities have greater access than lower-income communities and communities of color
The Science Behind Frozen Wind Turbines
And how to keep them spinning throught the winter