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Accessing isolated part of attic

LoudMouth| Posted inGBA Pro Helpon

In all areas of my attic where the main attic/roof intersects a section of the roof with a perpendicular gable (e.g. at a dormer), there is an access opening for that sub-section of the attic. There is one exception, and I want to safely access the isolated section.

I can tell by both measurements from the center of the main roof, as well as confirmation by the absence of roofing nails, the section I need to cut, but I was wondering if anyone had any other tips on what I need to be careful of before cutting.

The reason for the access is that I am having closed cell foam sprayed under the roof deck, and I want to make sure this isolated portion was insulated before finalizing the terms of the contract.



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  1. user-1097046||#1

    I think you're taking the right approach, using measurements and nailing patterns to plan the cut. I'd recommend using a 3" hole saw to make a pilot hole in the middle of the section you're planning to cut; high enough that you're unlikely to hit joists or wiring and low enough that you won't hit rafters. At that point you can shine a flashlight into the space and scope it out. Once you can see what you're dealing with, you can enlarge the hole with a short-bladed sawzall.

  2. walta100||#2

    I think the best way to determine if that section is insulated well is have the home inspected with an infrared camera.

    Let’s say this section is 500 square feet and you are able to cut open and inspect 2.5 square feet or .5% that is a very small sample.

    Since you are most likely to sample from an area that is easily accessible that fact makes it a place, most likely to have been well insulated.


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