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Air barrier?

Michael Lynskey| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

We are designing a house to be built in 6A climate (North Michigan) with 7555 HDD. Been looking at several different options for the walls but like the REMOTE system with 4″ of XPS as I think I can do most of the external cladding of foam, flashing etc. Understand you don’t want the internal vapor barrier so the wall dries inwards but I don’t really want to use Gypsum wall board, as the air barrier, are there any alternatives? We were initially thinking of using pine or cedar T&G.

One last question, is it OK to extend the 4″ foam down to the bottom of the foundation (SFPF) to provide the thermal barrier around the foundation?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Q. "I don't really want to use gypsum wallboard as the air barrier. Are there any alternatives?"

    A. Most PERSIST houses us a continuous layer of rubberized membrane on the exterior side of the wall sheathing as the air barrier. For more information, seeGetting Insulation Out of Your Walls and Ceilings.

    Q. "We were initially thinking of using pine or cedar T&G."

    A. I hope you mean as decorative interior finish materials -- not as an air barrier.

    Q. "Is it OK to extend the 4" foam down to the bottom of the foundation (SFPF) to provide the thermal barrier around the foundation?"

    A. Yes, as long as the foam you choose is rated for ground contact or burial. Suitable foams include XPS or high-density EPS. Many builders extend exterior foam from the footing to the underside of their rafters.

  2. Michael Lynskey||#2

    Thanks for the quick reply, I also thought as I hit post that the gypsum board is probably need as a fire wall, too many years living in brick houses (English).

    P.S. Great site!!

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