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Air sealing during home rewire

runner9| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

We had the walls of our home spray foam insulated in 2009. “an aqueous resin solution and foaming agent/catalyst.” is all I can find on the company website.

Most of the house is knob and tube, including in the exterior walls. Later realizing that’s a problem and this being our “forever” home we’re close to a contract to have the home rewired.

What can I ask/push for to make sure the home is as insulated/air sealed or better when they are done compared to when they start?

I’ve thought of:
air sealed electrical boxes (not sure they exist for a retro?)
air/fire blocking holes in top and bottom plates
How do they push the wire through the spray foam?

Are there other considerations or things I’m missing?

We are 20 miles east of Cleveland, Ohio if that matters.

Thank you!

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I'm not sure what type of holes will get drilled in you walls, ceilings, and floors when you get your entire house re-wired. But here's what I know: unless the electrician drills holes through the thermal barrier -- from the interior to the exterior -- you don't have to worry.

    So talk to the electrician, and make it clear that if any holes need to be drilled completely through the insulation, the holes need to be sealed with caulk or canned spray foam after the cable is passed through the hole.

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