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An article on Chris Corson’s Passivhaus in Maine

Martin Holladay| Posted inPassivHauson

Here’s a link to the newJLCarticle on Chris Corson’s Passivhaus project in Maine:
An Affordable Passive House.

Nice work, Chris.

If you are interested in more information on Chris’s project, you might want to read the GBA story about his house:Striving for Passivhaus Affordability.

Chris used a raft foundation for the Passivhaus project. If you’re interested in more information on raft foundations, seeFoam Under Footings.

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  1. Mike Eliason||#1

    thanks for posting this, martin!

    boy, between chris's house, and carly coulson's project that was presented at the PHI - it seems this argument of needing to tweak PH in extremely cold climates due to cost ain't exactly holding water - even for detached housing.

  2. John O'Brien||#2

    Curious about the 8" slab depth.. Seems like quite overkill.

    The subslab foam design is quite nice. Very similar to the stuff that seems readily available in the EU. Any idea why the foam makers over here haven't caught on yet.

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