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whnh121| Posted in一般的问题on


I need to insulate my attic (5a climate zone) primarily to reduce heat/cooling loss as my geothermal system struggles to maintain comfortable temperatures during hot or cold periods. That is pretty much the only motivation–the attic currently is vented, I just put a new roof on, and I am not aware of any ice damming problems (it’s a steep roof too). The second floor air handler was built in the attic which is obviously not ideal but I can’t change that.

- 阁楼天花板上的细胞泡沫:这是我的最初偏爱,我正在考虑将天花板提升到R49的$ 14K。这是最干净的,因为它将空气处理程序带入信封中,但根据我刚刚得到的报价,R49的价格接近20k。我的承包商建议我以14,500美元的价格做R38(阁楼地板下方也有粉红色的隔热材料,但大概已有50年的历史了)。
- 注意一些效率较低的解决方案以较低的成本,并接受二楼较高的HVAC成本的权衡。我认为这意味着在可能的地板上吹来的隔热材料,并在地板上的管道上吹来。地板上也有一些低压的接力线,因此我不确定我可以在这里得到多少覆盖范围,但大概覆盖了管道,地板的大部分会有所帮助。我也许还可以使国家效率计划支付最高几千美元的费用的75%,因此这可能会便宜得多。


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  1. 用户-6623302||#1


    1. whnh121||#2


      If I could get the ducts at least well insulated that would help my efficiency problems but obviously not do much for heat/cooling loss through the attic floor. I'm just not sure how much of my problem is due to the lack of good insulation on the floor and how much is due to the underinsulated ducts

  2. 用户-6623302||#3

    The more area with improved insulation, the better. The rooms your best choice and least expensive. Consider air handler servicing if you build it.


    1. whnh121||#7

      Unfortunately I don't have great data on this. I bought the house in the spring and all I know from the previous owner is that the system struggled to maintain a comfortable temperature during very hot or cold weather. I'm trying to deal with it now rather than wait until the middle of the summer as I have a young toddler and I don't want to deal with an emergency situation

      1. 用户-6623302||#10

        如果你不知道它是如何工作的,任何茶nges you may make may be money not well spent. Run the system constantly, either heat or cool as appropriate. Use no set backs and no off periods. If it has an automatic setback check that it works and is reasonable. Ask you question next year when you have experience with the system. The system and insulation could be fine. Sometimes the problem is operator error.

  3. user-2310254||#4



    You could hire a weatherization contractor to run a blower door test in combination with air sealing. With the air sealing out of the way, you could install blown in cellulose (maybe even DIY) over the existing batts. Check again to see if there are any programs to offset these costs.

  4. walta100||#5


    If what you proposing is something like an “encapsulated attic” I say you would be playing Russian roulette with mold and rot.


    Have you had the house blower door tested and air sealing work done?

    Ground source HPs are rarely undersized I would suspect it may not be operating correctly.


    1. whnh121||#6



      1. user-2310254||#8


  5. walta100||#9


    Seems to me the owner of the “encapsulated attic” is looking for a free lunch in that they are unwilling to spend the money needed to condition the air in the attic and keep it at more or less the same temp and humidity as the rest of the house and are willing to risk mold and rot with a backup plan to sell without disclosing before it gets too bad.





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