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scubasteve2001|发布General Questions

I am interested in insulating my unfinished basement ceiling. The primary reason I would like to do this is so that I can have separate conditioned zones since the temperatures between floors are not consistent. The main floor is about 2200 sqft, as is the basement. Currently there are only 2 registers feeding the basement and no returns. I calculated that the heat loss between the main floor and basement via conduction is around 9,000 btu/hr (R-value of floor is 1) when the temperature difference between the main floor and basement is only about 4 degrees F which it is usually at least that. The heat pump for my main floor is only a 3-ton and has difficulties keeping up when the indoor/outdoor temperature is more than 45 degrees. Eventually I would like to add a separate conditioning system to the basement once I finish the basement, but for now I was thinking about using some Roxul safe-n-sound in the ceiling and that should significantly reduce the heat transfer from the main floor to the basement.



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  1. scubasteve2001||#1

    Their is already R-10 insulation on the walls that are unfinished without any framing. The basement is a walkout with a bunch of full sized windows and two doors. Like I said, there is typically at least a 4 degree temp difference between the two floors and I would rather not heat 4400+ sq ft with a 3 ton unit b/c it does not seem to be able to handle it when it gets cold outside and I would rather it not use the aux heat. I just want to know the downsides of insulating the ceiling (like if there will be water vapor issues) or if my math is wrong and I really am not losing at least 30% of my heating load trying to heat the basement that is currently only used for storage and mechanicals.


  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    For zone isolation "contractor roll" R11s or R13s snugged up to the subfloor is enough. Even if adding the insulation turned it into a 20F difference between the basement and first floor (it probably won't be that much), it's hard to rationalize more than R13.


  3. scubasteve2001||#3

    Would you use faced or unfaced fiberglass as opposed to Roxul. How do they compare to each other for noise isolation as well. Any concerns with fire safety if I don't plan on sheetrocking anytime soon. Also, any concerns with vapor build up between the insulation and subfloor above it?


  4. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#4

    Think cheap. Kraft faced fiberglass in long rolls is cheap, and will do the trick.



  5. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#5

    The better option is to insulate the walls. See this article for details://

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