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我将用金属屋顶代替瓷砖屋顶,并以冷屋顶方式隔离阁楼地板空间。BR约为75 ft sq/8'天花板。

Any advice on a quality exhaust fan? I have a few links to products that seem to have good reviews.

This company seems to have good products. I like the durable seal and have read that someone also uses butyl tape for extra seals around the screws:



Would this vent location be better than venting through the soffit?

Thanks to all.

GBA Prime


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  1. Expert Member
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1


    松下风扇很棒 - 最重要的是非常安静。使用刚性管,然后将其稍微倾斜到外部。只要它被阁楼地板上的绝缘材料充分覆盖,就不需要额外的保护。如果您购买将空气流远离房屋的拱腹端终止,则拱腹排气并不是问题。我更喜欢走那条路线,而不是屋顶穿透,这也需要在水分可以积聚的地方进行垂直的管道。


  2. 电信者||#2






  3. Expert Member
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#3


    In some climates - like our wet PNW one - even un-vented soffits can get moisture damage from exhaust air. But if the termination is close to the fascia and directed outwards, I've never had a problem.

    The easiest way to gain a bit of height for slope is to curve the short piece of flexible duct attached to the fan box quite sharply upwards, then let the remaining rigid duct slope slightly for the rest of the run. If you do decide to go above the attic joists, you will want to insulate the ducts.

  4. Scott Wilson||#4

    在查看YouTube上Corbett Lunsford的视频时(他运行家庭性能频道),他提到应将浴迷放在浴缸或淋浴上,而不是厕所或房间中间。这是因为风扇主要是要去除水分,而不是气味。

    Bath Fans


    1. 帕特里克·奥萨利文(Patrick Osullivan)||#5



      A bath fan is not like a kitchen hood; it's not meant to capture effluent and eject it before it can spread. A correctly sized bath fan can be anywhere in the space and likely accomplish the goal, particularly if it's run post-shower.

  5. Canada_Deck||#6

    Where abouts do you live? Do you regularly get snow on the roof?
    I dealt with both situations recently. Two fans. Both were venting into attics.

    For one fan, I tore it out and replaced it with a Panasonic version. I ran 6" smooth ducting and terminated it through the shingle roof. I took great care to heavily insulate the duct. You want to be sure that the warm shower air does not condense in the duct and then drip back towards the fan. One advantage of going through the roof is there were a number of good options for vents and no risk of the moist air getting sucked back up into the soffit. It was also easier for me to avoid having to run ducting to the very edge of the attic given some tight spaces. The disadvantage is that you are messing with your roof. Very happy with the fan. I can't remember if I got the 110 cfm or 150 cfm version but it's very powerful.
    还要考虑GFCI如果将其直接放在淋浴上 - 一如既往地检查手册和本地代码。

    For the other fan, there was already ducting to the edge of the attic space and the duct was just sitting above the perforated soffit. It was easiest for me to just cut a hole in the soffit from the outside and then pull the flexible duct out and attach a vent like the one that Malcolm showed. In this case, the insulation is not a concern if the duct is embedded in the attic insulation anyway. This worked out quite well and it's quite close to the edge of the soffit so I'm not too worried about moisture getting sucked up. Even if some gets sucked back, it's a massive improvement to the before-state. My only real gripe is that the options for vents were much more limited. I don't think I saw any for 6" ducting and the ones I did see for 4" ducting were a little hokey. I would have happily paid $50 for a quality piece of hardware. I ended up adding some metal mesh to reduce the chances of birds or bats entering the duct work.

    1. 电信者||#7





      Somewhat novel, although somewhat unsightly design. I could run the duct to the south end of the house where this vent would not be as noticeable. Unfortunately, my BR faces the front/street side and I don't know if I'd like that vent in the front of the house. Running the duct to either the east or south end wouldn't be more than about 11-12 feet. I would go with a higher output fan with a timer on a switch to have it run for 30 min.


      malcom-感谢您的管道图形 - 将为您建模。
      Canada_Deck-I appreciate the link in your post.

      I will keep you updated on the project.

      1. Expert Member
        马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#8


        That would work fine, although I'd have no reservations using the one I linked to. We have two on our house. On damp days I can clearly see the airflow from the termination, and it all goes out well past the soffit and dissipates.

      2. Canada_Deck||#9

        看起来确实是一个不错的设计。将空气推到拱腹边缘,内置屏幕应防止蝙蝠和鸟类的问题。如果您要插入新的管道,我鼓励您使用6英寸平滑的管道并用隔热材料覆盖它,以免在管道中凝结。在不看到内部的情况下,很难判断,但可能会出现机制的潜在问题在某些天气下冻结 - 我想这是许多通风口的风险,总是可以解冻。

  6. 电信者||#10



    I think I'd get some rectangular ducting and use 2x stock to create the box extension and spray great stuff around the interfaces.




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