我将使用Roxul Comfortboard是在我们房屋北壁的外部建造4英寸(R16)。由于嵌入式的温室气体,我不想使用XPS(过去像我过去一样)。
I’m going to continue 2″ (R8) of this below grade down to the footing.
Roxul have already confirmed that Comfortboard is okay for below grade and it is easier to source than ordering Comfortboard and Drainboard.
I would like to use Grace Bituthene against the foundation wall. But then I don’t see how I can fit the Comfortboard over it, as I’m not aware of a glue that’s allow on the Grace membrane and I don’t want to put nails or other mechanical penetrations. So I might have to water proof with a liquid Asphalt coating which will double as a sealer for the wall and a glue for the Comfortboard.
Any suggestions about how I could use both Grace membrane and the Roxul Comfortboard.
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II型EPS适合低于级别的使用,并运行R4.2/英寸,可与隔热值相当,但具有更高的抗压强度。它被戊烷(7x CO2)吹了,到达分销商院子时,它几乎已经消失了,这比XPS中使用的HFC134A(〜1400x CO2)的气候破坏要小得多。
Thanks Dana, but I think that still leaves me with the same question but applied to EPS.
That is to say, if I wanted to use a membrane on the basement wall below grade like Grace Bituthene then how would I attach the EPS ?
但是关键是,我更喜欢使用诸如Grace Bituthene和一些低于级别的隔热材料(EPS或舒适板)之类的膜,但是如果墙壁上的墙壁上也有膜,我看不到如何附加EPS或舒适板。
If you are installing exterior insulation on a foundation wall, the insulation is usually held against the wall by the backfill. That is sufficient.
Above grade, the insulation can be mechanically fastened to the mudsill with cap nails. If you need to attach the insulation to the concrete, you can use TapCons and washers, or a a specialty fastener likeHilti IDP绝缘锚或Rodenhouse塑料握把PMF紧固件。
While these fasteners require you to penetrate the peel-and-stick membrane, I wouldn't worry too much about these penetrations, because (a) these penetrations are above grade, where water entry isn't usually an issue, and (b) the peel-and-stick membrane tends to seal around fastener penetrations to some extent.
一些研究,我找到了一些解决方案,因为在沟渠开放时,我不希望绝缘材料如此轻松移动。1)使用屋顶接缝胶带(两面是双面) - 因为膜与宽限期冰和水上盾牌非常相似,因此它是兼容的。2)格蕾丝还说可以使用它们的胶粘剂(但不容易获得)。
So to help during work, before the trench is filled in, I'll try some roofing seam tape. But I'll only use a little, enough for a temporary hold while working until the trench is filled in. Then the backfill should hold it in place.
由于我正在使用Roxul Comfort Boards用于墙壁的全高,并提供毛细管断裂,因此膜正在提供“皮带和支撑”方法。因此,我可能会节省一点$,只在地下室墙的下3英尺处使用膜(总比例低约6英尺)。
标记,I have just finished this exact task on my owner build using Roxul. You can find all the details on the journal located on my sitehttp://www.theEnclosure.ca。Soprema火炬膜称为Colphene Torch'N Stick that is designed just for this application. The 'top' surface (one away from foundation wall) also has a torch off plastic film that allows you to apply a light torch to the already installed membrane and then 'stick' a panel product to it. It worked with the Roxul ComfortboardIS long enough to allow for the backfill. I also used a Foamed Spray Adhesive (from GreatStuff - not spray foam) to stick a dimple sheet to the Roxul. I have pictures and comments in my journal. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Cheers Sean
Here's what I used in the end... Some mason's line -- yes string. Basically tied a knot in one end and used a 2" x 2" square of Grace Ice and Water to stick this string to the wall. Then I looped it over the Roxul and stuck the other end of the string in place with another 2" x 2" piece of Grace Ice and Water. The knot stopped the string from pulling out from under the square of Grace Ice and Water. Two pieces of string for each 3'x4' Roxul was plenty good enough to hold in place. My prior idea to use seam tape didn't work as it only sticks to the Roxul's surface and pulls off the top layer of Roxul.