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Syadasti|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durability


我正在建造一个新家,并希望从照明专家那里获得任何投入 - 您是否认为与螺丝钉LED灯泡一起使用的传统光插座是最好的,因为可以随着效率提高而获得一个新的灯泡(加上LED失败)还是我应该购买必须完全更换的专用LED固定装置,而成本比螺丝杆灯泡高?我假设由于工程化的反射器或TIR镜头,专用的固定装置可能具有更好的性能,但我不确定这是否足够充分的理由,可以使用缺点。


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  1. 用户2310254||#1



  2. Syadasti||#2

    I am aware of the diversity of concerns with non-incad light sources and have experience with dimmers, proper bulb selection, color temperature, etc. I'm also pretty familiar with LED lighting just not so much in residential applications with dedicated LED fixtures.

  3. Onslow||#3



    为了确保我和我的妻子关于光的“外观”在同一页面上,我购买了各种灯泡来拧入我们已经与之住在一起的固定装置(有时不告诉她),并看到我们对它们的感觉。在大多数情况下,2700K额定的LED灯泡更换被认为比白炽灯稍微变暗。我感到灯泡替代较低的光分布越贫穷。燃烧的热丝辐射的辐射程度与仅从一侧发射的LED钻头不同。一个飞利浦品牌灯泡,我们尝试的效果很好,尽管有三个叶子露出颜色的颜色奇怪。“价值”灯泡旨在代替60W白炽灯和零售,通常以$ 2的价格替换最粗略的灯泡。

    As to fixtures, for our tastes and budget, it was only affordable to buy tradtional screw in fixtures and fit them with LED bulbs. Indeed, a year ago there seemed to be a lot of orphan fixtures to be had from internet sources that are moving to stock LED based lighting. One of our hallway choices required candelabra based bulbs which are still not well mimicked in LED, but that was okay as common nightlight bulbs proved to have the low output we desired. Many chandelier fixtures just plain look better with incandescent bulbs and how often is it really on.

    For interior can lights we placed in the kitchen and bedroom, we went with traditional screw based fixtures so we could control the depth of the bulbs face. We are very glad to have done so, as we both wear glasses and had experienced annoying glare from the LED types which emit light from a flat white disk set very close to the ceiling plane. Being able to adjust the bulbs up into the fixture even a little helps greatly although part of the effect may be the bulb reflector and luminance distribution. Outside we used the sealed LED units on advice of the electricians that advised us not to give hornets and wasps a new home. I agree.


  4. Syadasti||#4

    I was hoping to find an expert with experience with retrofit screw in-bulbs versus engineered LED specific options (which will still share many similar concerns with the bulbs). There are tons of forums for flashlight hobbyists with detailed testing but I've never seen one for residential lighting.



    我认为,大多数对高效灯泡(如CFL和LED)的不喜欢来自它们的复杂性 - 有些解决方案同样出色,也许更好,但是如果您不了解,则很容易获得错误的合适性。

  5. Onslow||#5

    To JM



    Buying an embedded LED fixture at this point could be a best choice for certain needs, like an easily waterproofed shower light, an under cabinet light that won't melt your chocolate, an outdoor light that keeps out bees or a yard light not easily reached by a ladder. A screw in LED gives you future fun options like the multicolor bulbs you can control from your phone. Also peace of mind knowing that if it fails, you are out a bulb not a fixture and the attendant labor. LEDs claim 10-15 years of life but have only been on the market in a big way for less than 10. The emitters in a fixture don't have any more history to stand by.

    CFLs are a dead technology that was never executed well largely through price point demands and indifference to quality by manufacturers. They always looked bad due to discontinuous spectral output and performed worse due to crappy electronics in the base. Most are not really that efficient though Feit brand did a good job for lumens output and longevity, but I would never bother with them anywhere in my house. I am converting the accursed bi-pin CFLs in my bath fans to LED this week.

    如果您真的想进入Lux映射的Nitty Gritty,那么您需要使用Google商业商店的照明或艺术照明。自从离开摄影以来,我一直与这些资源失去联系,但是有很多资源可以量化零售商店,办公室和仓库的照明特征。商业固定装置可以准确地提供这些特征,但要大量成本。在商业产品中看到每单位数百美元的价格点并不罕见。希望这可以帮助。

  6. vigilant1||#6

    Roger, thanks for your comments and the practical considerations you have pointed out
    广泛使用和廉价的专用的领导fixtures would be the easy initial choice, but as soon as a single electronic component fails on one, I'll need to replace the whole thing. And then the replacement fixture won't match all the others, which isn't great, so I might be junking and replacing 5 fixtures every few years whenever a single electronic component fails. I won't be going down that road.
    对于上面的大房间,我正在考虑一些带有T8荧光灯灯泡的常规表面安装48英寸长的荧光灯。它们便宜且广泛可用,并且形式因子接近我的需求。我将用相同格式的LED管灯泡替换T8,该格式绕过镇流器电路(因此,将来的一个较小的故障点,效率低下的一个较小的失败点)。这些LED替换t8和T12 48“由于这些固定装置的安装底座是如此之大,因此灯泡可能会持续数十年(并改善)。
    My present home, built in 1957, has the original lighting fixtures that were installed 60 years ago and which still work great. It seems ludicrous to deliberately buy a fixture, much less a set of them, that will need to be discarded in about 5 years when a single capacitor/etc fails.
    为了获得使用LED技术的“永久性”固定装置,当今的买家必须购买一个固定装置,该固定装置采用旧标准灯泡之一(爱迪生螺丝钉灯泡或诸如T8/T12型号等闪闪发光的灯泡)。需要使用LED替换照明组件的“新标准”家族。理想情况下,产生热的LED本身将与热敏感的驱动器电子产品进行热隔离(也将标准化和更换为一个单位,例如镇流器是/用于荧光灯。通过当今的技术,应该很容易地包括诊断诊断。因此,用户知道LED还是驱动程序失败)。在为Edison插入应用制作螺丝钉LED灯泡时,需要包装LED本身,是降低这些灯泡可靠性的一个因素,CFL发生了同样的事情 - 驾驶员电路通常保持很热(尤其是在封闭的固定装置中),并且在试管本身被烧毁之前很久就发生了。


    在我们的新房子中,在大多数情况下,我们使用常规固定装置,并用El-Cheapo LED灯泡螺钉。例如,我们在大房间和卧室穿过技术照明的“ kable”灯。它们配备了卤素灯泡,但我们只是将它们换成LED。他们工作正常。两年后仍在燃烧。
    水槽上方的浴室固定装置恰好是专用的LED固定装置。厨房里有几个罐子的灯光与Kable Light的廉价LED相同。

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