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Karen Miller|发布绿色建筑技术

We will be putting up Timberline GAF 30 roof shingles for a Net Zero new construction. Our builder wants to put them up now.. but should we first be putting up the PV solar panels brackets up first? And can you recommend web sites for beautifully installed PV panels? And if pretty much most of the FRONT side of the house (east roof) will be covered with PV panels.. do we need roof shingles underneath? Also open to a metal roof.. but too expensive!.. unless we can just do sections to hold the panels. Thanks for your advice!

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  1. 达蒙·莱恩(Damon Lane)||#1



  2. Riversong||#2

    The roof must be waterproofed before PV panels are installed. The most aesthetic installation is one that can't be seen (or hardly), such as as PV shingles or thin film PV adhered to a standing seam metal roof.


    屋顶安装的光伏可能会提供更好的曝光,具体取决于现场,但需要用水密封下面的屋顶和穿透屋顶的接线。一个不太令人讨厌的装置是太阳追踪器上的地面单元,例如所有地球可再生能源(All Sun Trackers)的出色完全独立的GPS/无线控制单元。

    但是,在屋顶安装的选择中,夹紧站立的接缝屋顶是迄今为止最好的。在我花钱上花钱之前,我会投资耐用的屋顶(净零是房屋的误导目标 - 极端的能源利用减少是一个更具生态负责的目标)。

  3. J Chesnut||#3

    Important questions here are who is responsible for the PV system to roof detail? who is responsible for installing it? and who is responsible if the roof leaks?
    Your builder wants to roof before the PV installation? Maybe they are trying to avoid liability. How can you roof before the installation and flash properly?
    Either the GC or the architect, in the interest of the client, needs to coordinate the proper roof install of a PV system. Be careful if the solar contractor isn't a sub of the GC.
    I've seen projects where the solar contractor was brought in by the architect or the client. It wasn't defined up front who would actually install the brackets to hold the PV panels and it therefore didn't appear in either the GCs bid for the solar contractors bid. You don't want to be in this scenario.

  4. A non mouse||#4

    JChestnut……我的邻居有一个非泄漏solar install in snow country. Solar company said have your roof reshingled then they come in after no problem.


    again.. I have to mostly agree with RR though

  5. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#5


    2.尽管您的标题是“ PV面板最佳的屋顶”,但听起来好像您已经决定使用沥青带状疱疹,无论该选择是否是“最好的”。没关系 - 带状疱疹会起作用。但是它们不会像站立式金属那样持续。

    3. If you want your PV array to be unobtrusive, the modules will probably be installed parallel to the roofing, with an air space of a few inches between the modules and the roofing. The air space is necessary and useful; it helps keep the modules cool.



  6. Karen Miller||#6

    Thank you for your responses. Keep on hearing that standing seam is better than asphalt shingles. How long will the asphalt shingles last? We're looking at the 30 yr ones? And what's a good metal company to look at? Thanks again. Sorry.. meant to say South facing roof in my previous question.

  7. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#7


  8. Riversong||#8

    I have to disagree with Martin once again. The warranties on asphalt shingle roofs almost exactly track the expected life and are generally proportional to the amount of material thickness.

    Most custom builders today are using what are called architectural shingles, or laminated shingles, both for the less uniform look and for the longevity. You can get shingles with up to 50 year warranties, but they'll cost you almost the same as a good standing seam metal roof.


  9. Riversong||#9

    I forgot to add that algae and moss growth on a shingled roof is usually secondary to organic debris collecting on the roof from nearby trees. With no trees, a steep roof slope and regular rain washing, there's generally no algae. The algae feeds on the debris and the moss feeds on the algae.

    You can get algae-resistant shingles that contain copper granules. Shingles are warrantied for up to 20 years against algae growth.

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