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Brian Ducharme|发布General Questions

I am in the process of designing a new house and I am trying to decide whether or not to place the PV panels on the roof or in the yard. I would assume it is more cost efficicent to have the panels installed on the roof by avoiding pouring the concrete pad and having the power trench ran to the panels. I have not started getting price quotes for either system as of yet but I am hoping to get into that soon. I would just like to make a decision as to where I want the panels to go first. One side of the roof of the house will be facing southwest. Also, are most people leasing these panels still or are they buying them? I would be skeptical to lease the panels and would much prefer to own them if it is cost effective. Any thoughts would be appreciated. The house is in Connecticut.

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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    1. Buying your system is better than leasing (assuming you can afford the cost or obtain reasonable financing terms).

    2. A ground-mounted system is better than a roof-mounted system (because re-roofing and snow removal are both easier).

    -- Martin Holladay

  2. D Dorsett||#2

    出于经济原因,潮流已经转变了,2016年,人们购买的人(拥有20 - 30年的保修)比租赁要多。

    The economics of building out a separate structure for ground mounting varies (a lot). Get it quoted both ways. In CT there is less need for manually clearing snow than in cooler parts of New England, especially if your roof is 4:12 or steeper to enhance the avalanche potential rather than relying on melt out. Coastal CT can count can melt out, but higher elevations in central or NW CT it takes a bit longer.


  3. 乔恩·R||#3

    I'd be careful with asphalt shingles. The warranties are misleading and a reasonable guess is 20 years (depending on various things). Compare this to solar panels that are likely to be working well past 30 years.

  4. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#4

    If you decide on a roof-mount, check out the cost difference between a 25-year and a 45-year metal roof. On my house, the longer warranty was only an $800 difference in cost.

  5. 乔尔·辛利(Joel Cheely)||#5


  6. 斯蒂芬·希希(Stephen Sheehy)||#6


    We ended up going with roof mount, but ground mounts have advantages. Our panels are on the back of the house and basically invisible as the land slopes steeply in the South side. A ground mount would have gone somewhere in the front where it would either be in our direct line of sight from the house or would have required a long trench to get it out of sight.

  7. Andrew C||#7

    There was a good Q&A on this general topic in an earlier thread:

    I thought the installer's comments were helpful, including making sure you get an engineer's stamp on the roof designs to make sure it can take the additional loads (wind and snow).

    IMO, if you have the room, a ground mounted array avoids a lot of potential drawbacks of roof mounted, and allows more design freedom. If you build a separate garage, mounting on that roof would be my #2 option.

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