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鼓风机门减少250 cfm,减轻ra速度。为什么????

又热又潮湿|Posted in一般的问题on


My question is: Why are the blower door results 250 cfm lower when the radon mitigation system is on( sub slab/Fan tech HP 220) on, than when it’s off? Blower door test was 3428 cfm with Radon on, 3678 with Radon mitigation off.


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  1. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#1



    3400 CFM/50仍然相当重大泄漏,可能值得追逐并修复其中一些泄漏。

  2. 又热又潮湿||#2


    对不起,认为我向后。第一个blower door test was done with the radon on and measured 3428 cfm. Right afterwards, the radon fan was turned off and the Blower measurement was 3178 cfm. The vapor barrier was just re-sealed with Mastic, and the foundation walls were spray foamed ( closed cell). Could the radon fan be pulling air from somewhere else...attic maybe??? House is very humid when it's humid out too. Appreciate your help-driving me nuts trying to figure this out!!


  3. 又热又潮湿||#3

    I forgot to mention the crawl space is no longer humid ( stays 39-40 % RH) since it was re-sealed ( spray foam foundation walls, mastic seal to vapor seams), and does not fluctuate like the house. That's why I was wondering if the radon could be pulling air from the attic and into the house somehow-especially when it's warmer outside?? Right now it's temperate outside ( 55-65 degrees) and HVAC is off-which makes it more humid. Have been having to turn on the AC at times just to keep indoor RH below 54% -even though the indoor temps are 72.

  4. 史蒂夫·纳普(Steve Knapp)CZ 3A佐治亚州||#4

    Have you inspected the fan and pipe in the attic to verify that everything is connected properly?

  5. 又热又潮湿||#5



  6. 史蒂夫·纳普(Steve Knapp)CZ 3A佐治亚州||#6

    Do you have a sump pump in the crawlspace or cinder block foundation walls?

  7. 又热又潮湿||#7


    I have cinder block foundation walls which were spray foamed when the crawl space was encapsulated/conditioned. I don't have a sump pump, and there aren't any water leaks/infiltraions in the crawl ( I regularly check following a heavy rain). The crawl space seems to stay dry with low humidity 39% RH/72 degrees, and doesn't vary too much with the outdoor weather. The interior is the opposite-humidity indoors directly corresponds to exterior humidity/dew points.


  8. 又热又潮湿||#8

    我还有一个专用的管道除湿机在爬行空间中运行。几周前,我的接缝处的爬网空间蒸气屏障在接缝上重新密封,因为爬网空间湿度也很难保持低于50%的水平,即使除湿剂24-7运行。由于爬网被重新密封,湿度保持恒定为40%,除湿机很少运行。不幸的是,现在房子比以前更潮湿了。我认为ra扇在鼓风机门测试期间由于250 cfm的差异而对压力产生影响????希望解决。


  9. 史蒂夫·纳普(Steve Knapp)CZ 3A佐治亚州||#9

    I was curious about the foundation since concrete blocks are porous and might be providing a path for air movement.





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