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Brick foundation questions

用户-6953713|发布了General Questions


I’d appreciate any advice anyone has to offer as I’ve been trying to research brick foundations as we recently discovered we had a clay brick foundation. I’ve read the common approaches for upgrading but there’s a lot of information and my head is spinning a little bit. We recently had a waterproofing company in to take a look, and the suggestion was exterior waterproofing which is obviously quite costly for a space we don’t really use for anything other than storage and possibly as a gym/overflow area when we have people over (underpinning was also suggested as well). We’re open to it we’d just like to see if there are other options and if we can delay in anyway for financial reasons.


- 我可以用液体和/或蒸汽密封剂去除折叠并将砖贴在一起吗?我注意到有莱斯利亚(来自喧嚣)等产品,表明它们可以使用。
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- 是否有任何其他内部步骤,我们可以推荐那个人?

Some information on the house: 1920s in Toronto brick foundation covered in parging, which is damaged in some areas (“bubbling” and flaking). The parging also seems to vary in thickness around the foundation, in some case you can see a faint outline of the brick in others it’s a half an inch thick. The basement is currently unfinished although there are some supply ducts in the ceiling that heat the space to some degree. There is some water in the spring time each year, usually only once or twice, but nothing after after heavy rain so far, seems to be from one specific spot where the floor meets the wall. Also, we are midway on a downslope in the general neighbourhood but the house does have significant slope away from the foundation to the street (corner lot) although moreso toward the front of the house than the back.

I appreciate any help/advice. I’m also happy to provide more information if necessary.


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  1. GBA Editor


    From a technical standpoint, it is accurate to say that the best solutions involve exterior work, which require excavation down to the footing. This will be expensive.

    You have two major problems: (a) water entry (which can be solved by installing an exterior footing drain and by installing a waterproofing system on the exterior side of your foundation), and (b) capillary rise, which is best solved by jacking up your house about 1/4 inch so that workers can slide a capillary break (metal flashing or strips of EPDM rubber) between the top of your foundation wall and the wooden mudsill.

    It's also possible to ignore the problems and to leave the basement unfinished. If you go this route, the cost will be much less. If you need more indoor space, it will probably be less expensive to build an above-grade addition than to try to finish your damp basement.


    One solution to your problems is to sell you house and to buy a modern house with a concrete basement with good waterproofing details.

    For more information, seeFixing a Wet Basement.

  2. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#2




  3. 用户-6953713||#3

    Thank you both, Martin and Steve, for your help.

    马丁 - 我们一直在看一个选择的选择,也是为了增加空间,我们只是担心延迟修复问题只会让它变得更糟。我们也考虑了销售......不幸的是,多伦多市场上的现代房屋并不是太多的现代房屋。显然,以前的主人计划将其撕下并从头开始撕下,因此也有任何选项。我认为这一点修补了受损的折叠区域最有意义。是否会有任何价值添加室内水管理,例如油底壳或内部法式漏洞?我不确定是否有用,但空间没有太大,大约600平方英尺。无论如何,有很多伟大的信息,谢谢......时间做更多的阅读。

    Steve - thank you for the link. The grade slope outside our house is actually quite good and seems to do a good job of diverting the water (onto the sidewalk a good 8 ft away from one spout which is an issue in winter when it freezes but we just stay vigilant with the shovel). I have thought of re-routing that spout to along the side of the house to another spout in an area with a higher grade. Not sure if that would be a worthwhile measure or not though.



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