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Insulating Brick Veneer with No Weep Holes

JustinY| Posted inGeneral Questionson


My home is a 1940s brick veneer located in zone 4 and the structure is, starting from the exterior: brick veneer > air gap? > asphalt infused gypsum board sheathing > wooden stud walls > plaster. I have done a lot of research online, especially here, and my closest thing to an answer is the thread located here://

I intend on insulating my attic as well as my rim joist, and optimally I would like to insulate my walls. I plan on tearing down the plaster on the exterior walls, placing faced fiberglass batts, and then hanging drywall. My concern is whether or not it will cause moisture issues. I see no signs of weep holes after doing a full walk-around and inspecting for them. The thread mentioned above says that adding weep holes, even without flashing, would be a good thing, but I’ve heard plenty of opinions arguing the opposite as the weep holes would introduce more moisture and the lack of flashing would wreak havoc. So, would weep holes still be recommended to add?

Additionally, the thread above mentions needing to caulk the framing, would spray foam be an okay alternative or does it for sure need to be caulk?

I suppose I’m asking the same question to see if anything/anyones opinions have changed in the past few years or if my configuration allows for anything different.

Thanks in advance!

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