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Building a mudroom on a porch (need a door and window)

eldarchik| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Hi Everyone,

Want to build a mud room and need advice on a good affordable door and window (need to get these fairly quickly 2 weeks max if possible).

What are some good exterior doors that are not going to be too pricey (budget $1,000 for door – standard size) (window $300-400- 36×36 needs to open).

Would love to get good affordable recommendation (with quick turn times) and decent when it comes to weather stripping, durability and R value. (I’m leaning towards fiberglass).

Door will be under a porch 2-3 feet away from direct exposure to rain/snow.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Your needs are simple and your requirements are vague. All of your questions, though, can be answered easily with a quick trip to your local lumberyard or big box store. Bring a pickup truck.

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