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Deemacdee|Posted inGBA Pro帮助on

Hello GBA Forum:

我和我的家人最近搬进了明尼苏达州华盛顿县圣克鲁瓦河的1857/1885房屋;因此(除了气候预测)6A区。我们已经用一个旧的门廊倒在厨房后面的旧门廊上,并增加了邮政和横梁,该柱子现在完全可以向厨房本身打开。我将隔离添加的地板,以及其封装的爬行空间的周长,但是我很好奇如何与绝缘(腔和外部)和空气屏障正确地适合墙壁(既老式)。I would classify myself as a marginally informed novice, but I have been coming up against some pretty entrenched building practices within the contracting and inspection community here that find my suggestions of ‘rain screening’ and ‘exterior insulation’ to be suspect and occasionally worthy of derision. Oh well, I’ll get over it, but it’s just hard finding knowledgeable people to bounce ideas off of. Tradespeople just ain’t available in this pandemic, so if people here have suggestions, I really would appreciate them.

Single story 10′ x 13′ turn o’ the 20th century kitchen, gutted to its rough-cut/dimensional 2×4 stud walls and 7/8ths-1″ board sheathing, along with (and fully open to) a single story, new construction, 12’x17′ nominal 2×6 stud wall addition with OSB sheathing.

Tape OSB seams; apply WRB all around and tape carefully; apply 1.5″ Rockwool Comfortboard-80 around entire kitchen/addition assembly; cover that with a 3/8″ CorAvent rain screen and bevelled clapboard siding; fill 2×6 and 2×4 stud cavities with appropriate Rockwool Comfort Batts; Cover stud wall interiors with a smart vapor barrier like MemBrain; apply drywall; and then perhaps toast the whole damn thing with a scotch and soda and wish it luck.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Best regards,

GBA Prime

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  1. GBA编辑
    Kiley Jacques||#1


    1. Deemacdee||#4


  2. Wooba Goobaa||#2


    1. Deemacdee||#5

      谢谢,wooba gooba!研究非机械应用的WRB绝对是一个好主意。

  3. Patrick OSullivan||#3




    1. Deemacdee||#7


      Hoping not to put more than 1.25/1.5" of Comfortboard-80 on the exterior walls, but concerned about dew points and sorption on the OSB sheathing. This seems to be a well-understood topic on GBA.

  4. 删除||#6


  5. 专家成员

    David, the only practical hole I see in your assembly is the 3/8" Coravent rain screen over Comfortboard. Neither of those products will hold a nail, so your siding would have to be installed with long nails that reach into the framing. I did that once many years ago, over rigid foam, and found it to be problematic--way too much movement, lots of cracked clapboards, wavy surfaces, etc.. I recommend using 1x or 5/4 wood battens instead.

    While Rockwool and other mineral wool products perform well, they have relatively high embodied carbon; I prefer to use low-carbon or carbon-sequestering materials instead, when there is not a significant financial or other penalty. There are some moisture-related advantages to using cellulose insulation. But as long as your house and basement are dry, Rockwool should work fine.

    1. Deemacdee||#9


      I will look further into cellulose options, thank you. If I may: Are you specifically referring to the 'dense pack' variety of cellulose? Curious as to what the 'moisture advantages' you refer to are. I've read, though cellulose stands up well to humidity, roof leaks can be a big problem. Have I read incorrectly? My initial concern was that with a Comfortboard thickness of 1.5" or less, being insufficient to keep my sheathing appropriately warm in zone 6A, I should use mineral wool batts on the inside along with a Smart vapor barrier for the combination's drying potential. The carbon factor with cellulose is very attractive, however. So I'll read more. Thank you, again.

      我在网上找到了4英寸壁板的指甲和螺钉,并希望1 3/8“至1 5/8'下沉到护套中,并且构造足以容纳Coravent的Sturdistrips,但我现在对此进行了重新考虑。尽管明尼苏达州的3/4英寸雨屏可能过分杀人,但我一直在考虑大约3/8,主要是为了防止墙壁变得太厚,从而掩埋了窗户,并有可能将房屋的美学从19世纪的意义中拉开但是,我现在将研究“作弊”窗户允许墙壁较厚的方法;希望我能够避免过于现代的外观。

      So, as it looks as if I should be thickening the walls anyway, do you think I should just get the ComfortBoard up to Mr Lstiburek's 3" recommendation and forego the internal vapor barrier (Smart or otherwise)? Kinda leaning in that direction now (if I can find an historically sensitive way to furr out the windows), but as code here is poly under the drywall anyway I may well need to contend with some industry eye-rolling. Oh well.

      再次 - 谢谢迈克尔。



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