I’m in the design phase of a remodel of an existing 2 story house, CZ3 coastal, zip code 95062. The scope includes a new foundation and gutting the house with some interior walls moving, but for the most part keeping the existing exterior shape and roof line. Goal is a high performing house (well insulated, air sealed, mechanically ventilated, high IAQ and minimal heating and cooling loads). I’ve attached a line drawing of the shell for reference.
Do I need to air seal in between the crawl space and the house interior? Does the HRV supply/return meet the requirements of the ‘conditioned’ crawl space? For the spray foam, should I make sure it doesn’t cover up the mud sill, and do I leave a gap between the polyiso and the spray foam, exposing a bit of concrete and the mud sill? In my CZ, do I need to bother with insulation under the vapor barrier and rat slab?
提议的墙壁系统从内而外,如下:干墙 - > 2×4墙,带有密集的包装纤维素 - >胶合板护套 - >剥离和粘贴蒸气和蒸汽可渗透的空气和水屏障(蓝调VP100) - > 1-1//> 1-1//4英寸Roxul - > 1×4垂直毛茸茸的条。在一楼,我们计划安装灰泥,并直接连接到毛茸茸的条上。入口区将具有垂直壁板。在二楼,我们计划安装纤维水泥产品,即带状疱疹或板壁板。在地板之间将是腹部带装饰。
Does this wall system seem reasonable? Can I install a continuous rainscreen, with furring strips all the way up the building, and vary the exterior cladding?
提议的未通风屋顶系统从内而外,如下:干墙 - > 2×6带开放式牢房喷雾泡沫的墙 - >胶合板护套 - >剥离和粘贴蒸气 - 可渗透的空气和水屏障(Blueskin PE200HT?) - > 3''polyiso(2层,交错和胶带的接缝) - >第二层胶合板护套 - > 30#毡纸 - >站立的接缝金属屋顶。拱腹将开放。
Does this roof system seem reasonable (to get to R-38)? Am I placing the peel and stick membrane at the right level, or should it go on top of the foam, and wrap around the fascia? Could I then tape the plywood seams to act as an air barrier, or should I use something in between the rigid foam and the lower layer of sheathing?
Any feedback is appreciated, and apologies for so many questions at once (I’ve been saving them up).
GBA Detail Library

Q. "Do I need to air seal in between the crawl space and the house interior?"
Q. "Does the HRV supply/return meet the requirements of the 'conditioned' crawl space?"
A. Not the way I read the code. (An HRV introduces cool air in winter and warm air in summer, so it can't condition a space.) For more information, seeBuilding an Unvented Crawl Space。
A. From a thermal perspective, covering everything up with insulation (either polyiso or spray foam) is best, but termite worries in some sections of the country preclude the best insulation details. In termite-infested areas, you may be required to leave a bare inspection strip. If you are unsure on this issue, consult your local code enforcement officer.
A. No.
问:“从内而外,提议的未通风屋顶系统如下:干墙 - > 2x6墙[您的意思是afters afters吗?空气和水屏障(Blueskin PE200HT?) - > 3“ Polyiso(2层,交错和胶带的接缝)--->胶合板护套的第二层 - > 30#毡纸 - >站立的接缝金属屋顶。拱腹将开放。这个屋顶系统似乎合理(到达R-38)吗?”
Q. "Could I then tape the plywood seams to act as an air barrier?"
问:“从内而外,提议的墙系统如下:干墙 - > 2x4壁,含有密集的纤维素 - >胶合板护套 - >果皮和粘贴蒸气 - 可渗透的空气和水屏障(Blueskin VP100) -- > 1-1/4“ roxul-> 1x4垂直毛茸茸的条。在一楼,我们计划安装灰泥,并直接连接到毛茸茸的条上。入口区将具有垂直壁板。在二楼,我们计划安装纤维水泥产品,即带状疱疹或板壁板。在地板之间将是腹部带装饰。这个墙壁系统似乎合理吗?”
A. I don't see why not.
There are cheaper ways to get to the roof/wall R-values than what I am proposing. I was given budget pricing that dense pack insulation was about the same cost as open cell spray foam. I prefer something sprayed on/blown in, versus a batt installation.
A. Not that I know of. It's worth pointing out, however, the building codes are often amended by individual states and even municipalities. So if you want an interpretation of your local code, the only person who can help you is a local code official.
I'm revisiting this roof assembly to avoid foam, both sprayed and rigid, if possible. A roxul tech recommended using Roxul Rockboard 60 rigid insulation board in place of polyiso on exterior roof insulation. In the rafter cavity below, I have this drawn as R-22 batts, but in this roof I'd prefer to use a blown-in insulation, maybe fiberglass, to fill all the voids. Will this work as a compact unvented roof?
第二个问题是,如果我可以发泄部分屋顶怎么办?这所房子有一个室友,北面的屋顶飞机主要在阁楼空间(卧室掉落的天花板)上,楼上的登陆/走廊上有一些大教堂天花板。如果我用2x2毛皮,我可以在走廊天花板上创建一个通风孔空间,并使用R22 Batts。在阁楼上,我会使用吹散的松散填充纤维素/玻璃纤维,但在after子中没有烤面包,只是打开通风。屋顶甲板上仍然有刚性绝缘(Roxul ??)。我会隔离阁楼空间和走廊之间的墙壁短部分。这种发泄策略会起作用吗?