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Code-Compliant Shed Roof Assembly

布兰登S|发布General Questions

Would this roof schematic comply with code? If so, what do you recommend for venting? 2:12 pitch climate zone 6. They are narrow twinhomes the TJI works great for the span and vault.


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  1. Expert Member

    Top vented roof as you have sketched it is no the same as an vented roof. It can be made to work provided your warm side air barrier is solid and you use permeable roof deck and warm side vapor retarder.


    Even if you have to bump up your TJI one size, it would be cheaper than what you are proposing, you can usually increase the spacing between them to decrease the cost a bit.


    1. 布兰登S||#2

      Thank you,

      That’s absolutely cheaper. I’d leave the 14” TJI at 16” on-center and compress an R49 batt. I’ll check with local code to see if they allow reduced r value if it’s continuous above the top plate.


      1. Expert Member

        r49 batts压缩至12.5英寸的R44大约是R44,因此可能不会飞。整个组装。在这种情况下,使用TJI的R44板可能会超过R38。


        One thing with your current house design is that you'll have a hard time getting light to the center of the house. I would offset the two slopes add some clerestory windows like this:

        1. 布兰登S||#4

          19.2” on-center is the most I can go with 16” TJI because the dwellings are 26’ wide. They are twin homes.

          I share your same concerns about the light. To get a hallway to the back yard we needed the bedrooms on the back. We’re relying on a 4.5’x7’ full lite door/sidelite and two 4’x2’ windows to light the 300sq ft kitchen/living area. It’s not ideal but we’re doing the best we can with the goals for the project.

          Thank you,

    2. 乔恩·R||#5


      I agree, although there is the question of how permeable the sheathing layer has to be for each climate zone. In Z6, a guess is nothing less permeable than plywood (no OSB or Zip) combined with a class II vapor retarder and air barrier on the interior side.

  2. Jason S.||#6

    For 2:12 pitch you'll need a second layer of underlayment, preferably felt. I would opt for steel vs asphalt shingle if the budget allows.

    Venting isn't quite as effective at this low slope. Plywood sheathing would have better drying capacity.

  3. Expert Member


    19.2"OC is fine with dense pack but very hard to insulate with batts.

  4. 布兰登S||#8

    Thank you for the responses. Akos, that was a clever suggestion. I'm content using the 14" TJI because the cost jumps up almost $1/ft for the 16" TJI. How thick does the fiberboard or carboard need to be to hold up to the insulation?

    I'm thinking:
    -Two layers felt
    -15/32" plywood sheathing
    - iAsepace等于顶部法兰
    - 纤维板/纸板安装在顶部法兰下方

    One unit is 2:12 pitch and the other is 3:12 pitch


    1. Expert Member



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