除湿器需求:Minotair vs Whole House除湿机

嗨,我刚刚发布了有关Minotair Pentacare V12的意见。我已经做出了几个我认为正确的估计/猜测……但也许不是吗?
在25 C(〜70华氏度)时,需要从100%RH处的1 kg空气中除去约10克的水,以将其等温降低至50%RH。假设有25,000立方英尺的条件空间(实际上比我计划的要大,但可能典型)。我将以50 pa或更高的价格进行每小时1个空中交换。在正常条件下假设为0.1 ACH。我认为,单位转换导致每天有44品脱水去除水。假设50品脱来解释哺乳动物不可感知的水分流失(3人,1只狗)。男人,我一直讨厌使用不同的单位!
1870年的Aprilaire整个房屋导管的除湿机的额定值为130品脱(80摄氏度和60%RH)。制造商声称,它将在标准测试条件(IEF或集成能量因子)下每千瓦时能量消耗2.7升水。因此,有50品脱的价格约为9 kWh。
The Minotair capacity is comparable, 118 pints per day. They do not report an IEF, but they do report maximum power usage of fan (136 watts) and compressor (725 watts). Assume typical operation at 50% of maximum power usage (reasonable ?), then the Minotair uses about 10 kWh, very comparable to the dedicated dehumidifier. Plus, the Minotair provides all ventilation needs, and supplies about 11k BTU/h cooling (probably all I’ll need on hotter days), and 8.7 k BTU/h heat at 47 degrees F with a COP of 3.0…probably most if not all I’ll need from late spring to mid fall. Costs a lot more than a stand-alone dehumidifier, but I really don’t see any downside to this for my needs.

Learn about the psychometric chart or look at some tables for relative humidity vs temperature and pressure. You can control your humidity by changing these variable instead of investing in expensive equipment.
Tom, I apologize that my reply to you was smug....lame attempt at injecting some humor. The location of my planned house is within a unique microclimate of the Allegheny Mountains. Check out Canaan Valley on Wikipedia if interested. It is a boreal ecosystem otherwise unseen at this latitude (~39 degrees). Afternoon summer temps average mid 70's with ~5 inches of rain per month. My house will be on a wooded lot on a mountain slope overlooking the valley. The trees and soil hold the moisture forever. Conventional air conditioning would lower the indoor temperature to an unbearable "degree", and heat is uncalled for.
弗雷德,没问题。我喜欢一些讽刺的幽默……只要是真的。与T和P一起工作更容易解决大多数问题。我很懈怠告诉人们在夏天向人们加压,以防止潮湿的空气渗透,但大多数人认为他们必须高度或过度加压,而不是意识到在14.7 psi时,您只需要处于14.7582345892145 psi。更高。有趣的是,您从未听说有人在这里提到晴雨表。它曾经是在大木勺和叉子旁边安装在墙上的任何家庭中的标准工具。
Hi Tom,
A presentation at the 2011 meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers described such a membrane-based process. Their optimized system removed 0.32 liters of water per hour per square meter of membrane at a volumetric air flow of 115 cubic feet per minute. To remove 50 pints (24 liters) of water a day would require a membrane of ~ 3 square meters and total airflow of ~1000 cfm. Suppose that's ok. Now, to achieve a comfortable RH of 43% at 25 degrees C, one could use potassium carbonate as the sorbent. With an aqueous saturation of 31 g/liter, one would need ~1 kg to maintain an excess of salt in 24 liters. Not bad; it's not very toxic and a kg costs about $40. Next comes the white flag...At the end of the day, you have to evaporate 24 liters of water from the salt slurry. The enthalpy of evaporation (how much energy you need to add to a liquid to evaporate it) of pure water at 25 degrees C is 0.678 Wh/kg (watt hours per kg water)...it will be greater for water in solution. So for 24 liters of water = 24 kg, we're looking at 16 kWh at least (that assumes 100% efficiency of heat transfer). Where does that come from? Remember, we can't use outside air because its RH is higher than the salt slurry! Meanwhile, the AprilAire I mentioned in my original post will remove that much water for 9 kWh. Given a choice, I'll take the latter!
我在想,你会热/干燥air after passing through the membrane/absorbent/desiccant rather than trying to dry the membrane itself. (Though I suppose you could put it in its own "black box" to encourage drying.) Then remove and replace with a dry one once it is saturated, allowed to dry and repeat. No outside air, just circulation from the house into the solar box then back inside.
最重要的部分是独立dehumidifier only adds additional heat load to the house when it is running. The Minotair is providing either cooling or heating as needed, which is what you want.
This avoids the double energy penalty of running the dehumidifer in the summer time. One is the cost of running the dehumidifer, the other is rejecting the heat from it to the outdoors.
阿科斯, thank you for your thoughts.
根据牛头怪的巨额成本,我认为只有可以作为房屋的主要热量,这才有意义。听起来不像您的情况。看看Daikin Quaterity Miniaplits。他们使用部分冷凝器预热空气,从而可以清除湿度。
The best would a decent hyper heat ducted unit with a damper on the outlet you can partially close when you need extra dehumidification. I would just make sure that you don't reduce the flow to the point the unit starts cycling.
I just remembered someone on this site mentioned the Daikin mini splits. According to their website, "Daikin technology manages humidity at any temperature without need for a water tank in providing users with the best in convenience and air comfort." This would be ideal for my needs. I don't see any technical documentation related to this claim. Does anyone have experience or knowledge of this system?
我有一个在类似气候的避暑别墅 - 不足以使用空调(这就是为什么它是避暑别墅!),但过度潮湿。