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A blower door test can go a long way towards identify how “leaky” a house is, but since it runs at a standardized 50 Pa, it’s more about providing a number for comparison than showing how much air infiltration/exfiltration is actually happening at any given time. That is, if the house is at 3 ACH50, then one might assume that all the air in the house is exchanged three times every hour — but that would only be true if the house had a constant 20mph wind blowing on it (give or take). If there is no wind, then it’s almost certainly not exchanging air at anywhere near that rate.

Is there, then a “natural” ACH for a house, either independent of what’s happening outside the house or, barring that, is tied to the average pressure differential in that specific area? And if there is such a natural number, how is it determined?

FWIW, I got to thinking about this when reading up on Conservation Technology’s exhaust ventilation solution:。他们声称,如果房屋的“自然浸润/渗透率”为80cfm,那么数学表明,它们的排气风扇比相应的HRV/ERV更节能。但是,您如何首先计算/确定80cfm?

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  1. 乔恩·R||#1

    ACH natural is usually calculated by dividing[电子邮件保护]通过某种东西(例如18)来解释长期平均压力差异通常低于50。这是不准确的 - 但无论如何人们还是依靠它。当被滥用为“ ACH Design-Day”时,它的准确性也不太准确。

    1. KurtGranroth||#2

      Thanks, Jon. Does the 18 come from anything or is it entirely arbitrary? That is, would the offset differ by person; by location; or by something else?

      1. 乔恩·R||#3

        It varies - more info here:


        1. KurtGranroth||#4

          Thank you! That's exactly what I was looking for.

  2. Trevor Lambert||#5


    The humidity dependent ventilation doesn't make much sense either, especially for the kitchen. Smoke and particulates can rise significantly without humidity being affected. And what if the outdoor humidity is higher than indoor? How does increasing ventilation based on humidity make any sense then?

  3. KurtGranroth||#6

    This is just rambling at this point, but working through some scenarios converting ACH50 to N-factor CFM shows me some very unexpected numbers.

    First, let's look at my current main house which is old and incredibly leaky. It's 2600 sq ft with 3 bedrooms. The recommended natural ventilation rate for this house according to the BSC would be 56cfm and the updated ASHRAE code suggests 108cfm.

    Well, we had an "energy audit" (read: excuse to try and upsell us on a bunch off pointless upgrades) a few years ago with a blower door showing 2896 cfm. Work through the math and this corresponds to 8.35 ACH50. Pretty bad, but notably better than the 12+ ACH50 when we first moved in..

    But the interesting part is factoring in the N-factor. According to the charts, that would be between 20 and 23, here in Phoenix. Math math math and that comes out to between 126cfm and 145cfm.


    但是,让我们看一下我正在建造的800平方英尺 / 1 BDRM宾馆。BSC说,23CFM和Ashrae建议39.假设我没有比Code-miftim 3 ACH50更好。在这种情况下,“天然”气流将在14CFM和16CFM之间。事实证明,即使在密码少数情况下,我仍然想要在旅馆里进行手动通风。

    That example in the original post listed 80cfm as an average natural airflow rate. Just for fun, what would the ACH50 have to be in the guest house to naturally have that kind of leakage? Try 17ACH50!!


    Fun stuff!

  4. Expert Member
    Kohta Ueno||#7

    A very good explanation of converting from blower door numbers to natural air change (and the uncertainty, and perils of the various assumptions): Infiltration: Just ACH50 Divided by 20? (Home Energy Magazine Online January/February 1994,


    Persily and Kronvall developed a crude conversion technique, ACH50/20, that provides reasonable results. On the other hand, it was impossible to customize the relationship of ACH50/20 to local conditions. What are the components of the magic number, 20?

    1. 乔恩·R||#9


  5. 乔恩·R||#8

    > Conclusion: our current super-leaky house is so leaky that it NATURALLY infiltrates and exfiltrates MORE air than is recommended by either standard... hence, any kind of manual ventilation would be utterly pointless.

    您需要添加“平均”。这意味着在某些条件下,您将呼吸过度污染的空气和机械通气会改善它。即便如此,在高(可能> 5)ACH50时,常见的做法是“不需要ERV/HRV”。

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