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Minisplit系统Multiple Outdoor Units

jonathan_edelson| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I was just about to press go on a mini-split purchase when I learned about minimum modulation and turn down ratio (postings here and elsewhere).

For my home this issue would be killer. Small rooms and a family that likes to keep doors closed, and I only have the kids half time. So there will be periods where I specifically want to condition only one room. Ducts would be a nightmare to install well (but if I want leaky and inefficient they wouldn’t be too hard…) Anyhow, more study before I go forward.

This got me to thinking: Do any mini split manufacturers provide the ability to ‘parallel’ two outdoor units to increase the turndown ratio of a multihead system? Rather than having a single 3 ton condenser unit, have a 2 ton and 1 ton with a shared refrigerant circuit, so that if load is low the 2 ton could be off and the 1 ton dialed back.

I know that this sort of technique is used in large systems with multiple compressors to adjust for load conditions, and I know that some mini split outdoor units have two compressors internally. But I’m wondering more about extending the ‘mix and match’ nature of mini split systems to the outdoor units.


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