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Does the AccuVent baffle leave a gap above the top plate?

Jeff Cooper|发布了Green Products and Materialson

我安装了41英寸高x 22.5“在我的桁架湾的桁架围栏宽敞的拱门挡板,无论我多么尝试,我都无法得到覆盖顶板的部分,可靠地坐在顶板上。。塑料曲线朝向户外的方式在顶板上方产生轻微的曲线,这将允许冷(或热)室外空气在挡板和顶板之间来到挡板和顶板之间,从而防止挡板上方的绝缘效果很好地绝缘顶板。来自外部的任何风压会扩大间隙。吹入的纤维素的重量不会将塑料推下木材;我的手比纤维素施加更多的压力。

The solution I’ve devised is extremely tedious. I’m pressing the plastic down with 1-1/4″ drywall screws through pieces of 1×4 and similarly shaped pieces of 5/8″ drywall that I cut up from a scrap. This basically works, but inserting the screws with just 3″ or so vertical clearance above them has proven very difficult, even with a right-angle drill adapter, although not the smallest one available.

Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so, solved it in an easier way?

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  1. mgensler||#1

    I used a pneumatic stapler to hold ours down. It seemed to work well enough and then we sprayed foamed them before installing cellulose. So maybe I wasn't trying to get them as air tight as you figuring the spray foam would take care of any gaps.

    1. Jeff Cooper||#2

      Thank you. Spray foam wouldn't help the problem I'm encountering unless I applied it from the outside, which isn't feasible, as I installed soffit first. Maybe I should have used a lot of caulk or glue to get the plastic to stick to the wood and thereby prevent cold outdoor air from reaching the top of the top plate. Unless I'm missing something, the AccuVent baffle seems to have a major design flaw.

      1. Expert Member
        Malcolm Taylor||#3


        I see what you mean. All I can suggest is to attach a piece of foam board to the top plate in each bay before installing it. That's annoying.

        1. Jeff Cooper||#4

          Thank you, Malcolm. That would have been a good idea if I had thought of it in time and could have found a way to staple the bottom to something that would hold the staples. I just ordered a smaller right-angle drill adapter that I hope will make it easier to screw wood or drywall onto the plastic to press it against the top plate. None of the reviews of the AccuVent that I read address this problem. I wonder how many people who installed it checked whether it would allow outside air to reach the top of the top plate directly. It looks fine, and one would only detect the flaw by pressing the plastic to see whether there's a gap between it and the top plate.

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