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Downspout filter

c l| Posted inGreen Products and Materials

What is the general consensus on the best type of downspout filter?


I see basic home center type “filters” for $6, such as:

On the other end are $130 (or more) items such as: which I have no experience.

There are many in between, both in function and price point. What should I be looking for, and which brands have worked well for others?

Specifically, I’m wondering about the best type of downspout filter for
- 屋顶:沥青带状疱疹
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– Destination & Use: Two destinations
b: One downspout will divert to a rainwater holding tank to be used for irrigation. Overflow from the tank will divert back to the FlowWell. I presume the filtration for this system needs to be more robust?


Gutter guards seem like the first “prefilter” for these systems, so having the correct type seems critical. What is the recommendation on that?
– The very fine mesh stainless steel guards will filter out the fines, but there are claims pollen clogs the mesh, so while what gets in is well filtered, the clogged mesh allows some/most of the water to roll over the gutters. Claims are similar for the foam inserts.
– The larger mesh (approx. 1/4″ size openings) are claimed to be more resistant to clogging. Are these the best to use along with a fine mesh downspout filter? The downspout filter at grade is obviously easier to clean.

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  1. 专家成员

    All of these are clots waiting to happen. Gutter guards are the best options, and there are only a few systems that work without needing constant attention. The level of maintenance is dependent primarily on what kind of tree debris gets into the system (oak leaves are heavy, for example, and tend to “glue” to surfaces).



    I don’t like any of the filters that go in the downspouts. These types of filters are catching debris that should have been filtered out in earlier stages, IMO.


  2. c l||#2

    Thanks Bill. Gutter guards as the first filter makes the most sense to me also. Just need to figure out which kind is best.

  3. 亚伦·贝克沃斯||#3

    c l,

    I’ve seen a couple of impressive rainwater harvesting systems here in SW New Mexico that include “first flush” tanks, which are simply small tanks that first fill before allowing overflow on to the main storage tank, cistern, etc. In our dry climate the intent is utilize the captured rainwater, so some sort of storage is involved. The “first flush” tank captures debris, much like a sand separator for a well. However, leaves and floating debris must be kept out with gutter guards or some other device.

    Good luck!

  4. GBA Editor

    At my house, I am in the gutter guard...



    PS - from southern VT with a slate roof where gutters are most often an annual installation cost...

  5. 专家成员


    That German downspout filter looks pretty neat. One thing might be worth while to look at is a first flush diverter. These are simple/no maintenance.

  6. 专家成员

    For roof water that is going into a dry well or that will be used for irrigation, there's not much need for a first-flush filter. Those are really more for water going into a cistern for eventual drinking water.



    Unless you've got lots of big trees (especially evergreens) hanging over your house, my feeling is: Use decent gutter guards, with a coarse downspout filter as a backup. Don't worry about the fines too much.

  7. c l||#7

    Does anyone have any experience with the fine mesh type gutter guards? Sounds like those might be the best?


    1. 专家成员
      Malcolm Taylor||#8


    2. 专家成员


      I saw one gutter guard that looked like lots of very closely spaced slats (something like one side of an A coil for an air conditioner) at a trade show a few years ago, but I can’t find the info now. It looked like it would work really well.

      If you’re asking about downspout debris filters, I don’t use those myself.


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