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Seeking Opinions on This Air Duct Silencer Product

trojax| Posted inMechanicalson

I cant seem to find any information’s regarding this product used on general HVAC system…never see one installed in CA. I’m building all metal duct for ERV and trying to reduce the noise for the bedrooms. Anyone have experience with this?

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  1. Expert Member
    AKOS TOTH||#1

    I've used a similar product for silencing blowers. The noise reduction was quite amazing, you could yell into the unit and almost no sound would make it out. It was larger unit than the one you linked to, looking at the specs it should also work.

    For a bedroom you might want something smaller like 4" though, generally the smaller units have more attenuations.

  2. tundracycle||#2

    I've used Fantech silencers with quite good results. 150 CFM (measured) bath exhausts w/ remote blowers that are totally silent (below the 33 dB(a) ambient). On a couple of range exhaust systems w/ remote blowers the results we measured were in line with what Fantech posts on their website.

    More here:

    Make sure that silencers, ducts, blowers and other stuff is isolated from the structure as much as possible using perf strap or similar as otherwise you'll negate any benefit.

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