
我的建筑商R-19玻璃纤维insulatio安装n (with vapor barrior) in the attic of the 2000 square foot one-story house he is building for me in Maine. He now plans to add 13-14 inches of blown Green Fiber cellulose insulation on top of this. Cellulose insulation being as heavy as it is, my concern is that it will compress the fiberglass, diminishing its loft and hence diminishing its R-value. Does anyone have any data on the relationship between compression and loss of R-value with fiberglass insulation? Or on the question of how much such a layer of cellulose would compress the underlying fiberglass batts? If this could be known, the cellulose layer could be increased in depth to compensate for the R-value loss.

r19 batt与R13 batt的材料相同,只是绒毛蓬松。将其压缩到3.5“ 6.25”(制造的阁楼)仅是R5的“损失”,但是现在较密集的纤维的空气率改善使其在极端温度下的工作状态更好。
Focusing on the total post-blown depth of cellulose + fiberglass is the right way to approach it, since the slightly compressed R19s and cellulose will have about the same R/inch.
笔记that in the compression charts an R19 batt only performs to R18 when installed in a 2x6 wall cavity, and performs at R13 when compressed into a 2x4 cavity. Labeling it R19 is somewhat deceptive since the most common application is in 2x6 framed walls, and is why R20 wall cavity insulation is specified in newer versions of the IRC, not R19.