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Efflorescence / spalling in brick basement

Jon Haque| Posted in一般的问题on



I’m not sure of a few things about it:

Photos posted here:

A bit of background:
The efflorescence is on two walls of the brick foundation wall in my basement. The efflorescence runs horizontally, with the worst parts in a band roughly a foot below ground level. The two walls that don’t have any problems are the northern wall, shared with my neighbor (it’s a semi detached house), and the Western wall, at the front of the house, where the front porch awning is, I assume, keeping the ground dry. The walls are mutli-wythe, with the exterior brick a textured red, and the interior bricks are solid and greyish. I don’t see any efflorescence on the outside of the building (although if it’s at the same height as inside then it would be underground).

The southern wall has an asphalt driveway between it and my neighbor, which comes right up to the brick. There are some cracks in the asphalt where it touches the wall, which I suspect of letting water in. Based on advice from another post here I will be ceiling those cracks with caulk. (//的)



C) Given that I don’t see any efflorescence on the wall that’s shared with the neighbor, or on the wall whose adjoining ground is protected by the front porch awning, I’m thinking the water must be coming from the rain and not capillary action. Does that sound right? One thing that puzzles me is that the basement is dry, no water seeping in even on very very rainy days.

Thanks very much,

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  1. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#1


    What's happening is that water is evaporating from your damp bricks, leaving salts behind. The salts are damaging the bricks and mortar and paint. Even if your basement seems dry, water can still be evaporating inward from these brick walls.


  2. Richard Beyer||#2




    Another option is to install an interior perimeter drain and membrane system such as what this company offers if you have the budget.....
    这些系统通常花费大约$ 10 g和他们do all the work for you. Truth is they actually work well.


  3. Jon Haque||#3

    Thanks for the information.

    Martin, are sacrificial layers used on the inside as well? And would that preclude finishing the basement as I would need access to the walls for replacing the sacrificial layer? Or did you mean that I should do this on the outside of the wall above ground level for a few feet?

    Richard, is the idea that the sealer would penetrate the layer of mortar and the brick behind it as well?


  4. Richard Beyer||#4

    Jon if you do not manage the water migrating through the wall from it's source, finishing off the area by means of covering it with drywall, insulation and framing will only cause you grief and mold. Sealer's are band-aids and not cures for water movement. Again, manage the water from the source if your budget can withstand the impact.

  5. Jon Haque||#5

    Is it possible to use the asphalt driveway as a skirt as described here (pg 20):



  6. Richard Beyer||#6

    Anything is possible and I do not fault you for seeking cheaper alternatives. Just understand your asking for advice all while providing bits and pieces of critical information.


    A: Could be a combination of both.
    有时高地下水可能源莫re then rain driven water. Check your local water table. (elevation above sea level) Any river's, streams, ponds, wetlands or shallow wells nearby? Is your neighbor diverting their run off water over to your property? ie; Gutter's, watering plants, irrigation...etc.. Are you using irrigation and where are your gutters aimed? How far from the foundation? Do you see ponding water after a rain event?

    Based solely off of your previous post and the pictures you provided, I would like to think your problem stems from a sloping driveway leaning toward the house. If this is the case your only solution is to elevate the driveway so it slopes away from the home and then seal the brick chemically along with polyurethane caulk and backer rod at the meeting point. Or, take your chances and caulk only.




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