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大卫·麦克尼利(David McNeely)|Posted inGBA Pro帮助on

Mechanical air exchange is rightfully part of every plan in energy-efficient buildings. A lot of effort and no small expense is devoted to choices of HRV or ERV balanced air. The house I am building is 3 bdrm. & 2,000 sq.ft., thus: ((2,000 sq. ft /100) x 3) + (4 x 7.5) = 90 CFM. And this is intermittent, i.e. not necessary during shoulder season months when windows are open (six months here in zone 4A), or during other months when the occupants are working all day or traveling for business. Installing such a balanced system may take 20 years to overcome the cost of simply conditioning outside air that comes through a supply hole in the wall (which would of course come through an MERV 13 filter…)

好的,大多数读者可能会倡导投资,我不会争辩他们选择的合法性。然而,我仍然感到沮丧的是,关于干衣机的化妆空气的选项(大约200 cfm)或射程引擎盖(250-1,500 cfm)没有类似的讨论。根据家庭的不同,这些可能等于通风负荷,并且由于它们一次出现,因此它们可能会对舒适性产生更大的影响。而且烹饪物质不足的通风可能比陈旧的空气更有害。马丁,您的最后一篇有关该主题的文章于2010年发表;评论可以追溯到2016年,但主要是:“如果我这样做怎么办?”

那么谁能告诉我如何在高效的房屋中提供化妆空气?我选择将射程引擎盖扩大到30英寸的感应灶具,以进行更全面的捕获。Vent-hood表示,他们的250 CFM等于360 CFM,因为它们的松鼠笼设计更有效地移动了空气。选择对气体的诱导应该使这种适当。

The best “What if I do this…?” so far seems to be to bring in outside air through a pipe that has a flapper with a controller tied to the range hood exhaust ( RMAS06 or similar). Several suggest dumping it into the toe kick in front of the stove. Others have put registers on the counter on either side of the stove! Matt Risenger put the range on a platform that acted as a plenum, allowing air to escape up the front and back of the range (。


Q2: Would it be less effective if I simply dump the air into the central stairwell, allowing the large volume to act as a mixing plenum?



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  1. Calum Wilde||#1



  2. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#2



  3. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#3

    Couldn't make-up air for a range hood or dryer be most easily supplied by a small operable window, duct or opening with an insulated cover you opened when running the appliance, rather than a motorized damper? (Says the guy who still likes the crank windows on his pickup truck).

  4. 专家成员
    Armando Cobo||#4

    2015 IRC M1503.4 Makeup Air Required – All exhaust hood systems capable of exhausting in excess of 400 cubic feet per minute shall be mechanically or naturally provided with makeup air at a rate approximately equal to the exhaust air rate. Any stove/range that requires an exhaust system of over 400 cfm is required to have a make-up air unit of same cfm. The make-up air is independent from the house make-up air and shall be supplied in same room where the exhaust room is located.
    HRVs and ERVs are balanced ventilation systems for your house, not to be confused or replaced with or for the kitchen exhaust ventilation. If you want balanced ventilation with easy and economical systems, you could look into a spot ERV from Panasonic WisperGreen with 50-80-110 or 110-130-150 CFM units.

  5. 罗伯·迈尔斯||#5

    有时情况决定选择。我不是苏re that I fully understand balanced systems (my house is off-grid in a cold climate and an HRV or ERV requires too much power to run) but it seems to me that balanced ventilation is only balanced at the point that it is commissioned. After that it is subject to the same problems with wind, depressurization etc. that any other house would have. The balanced system simply takes care of the known ventilation load but the rest is still wide open.
    我只使用排气系统,最近在40 CFM浴室风扇运行时,在木炉子上遇到了背景问题。我不得不添加一个接近型气管(当然是另一个属于另一个线程的整个讨论),但与该线程相关:我使用了4英寸的尘埃收集器大门来调整/控制气流。金属或塑料门是它们很容易提供各种直径,它们便宜,而且工作效果很好。如果您想花哨的话,也有自动化的大门可用,但是您可以轻松地自动化它们。

  6. 安德鲁c||#6

    There is a more recent article by Martin on makeup air, ie, "How to Provide Makeup Air for Range Hoods", 8 June 2016. In the comment train for that article there is a reference to a Building Science document BSI-070 that also has fairly explicit suggestions and drawings on the topic in the latter half of the article.

  7. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#7

    Thanks for your comments. My article,"How to Provide Makeup Air for Range Hoods,"实际上是在2010年出版的,而不是2016年。

    Thanks for pointing out the Building Science Corporation document from 2014 (“第一次处理粪便,然后不要吮吸”)。I have edited my 2010 article to include a link to the BSC document.

  8. 安德鲁c||#8

    Thanks for the correction, not sure how I mixed up the dates.



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