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EPS, PolyIso, or Double Stud Wall

Nicholas C| Posted in绿色建筑技术

Zone 5B – SO I have to worry about hot summers and freezing winters.

In a couple of questions I posted here I learned that EPS is more of the favored child around here while XPS is considered more costly (Agreed) and poorer performance in cool temperatures (I don’t know, just going by what I heard)


I was going to opt for 2″ of EPS outside my 2×6 Wall with R19 Fiberglass (Or R21 Mineral Wool)


$ 7.99 R4 1“x 4'x 8'扩展聚苯乙烯绝缘
$ 15.19欧文斯康宁泡沫250 1“x 4”x 8'R-5刚性泡沫绝缘
$30.99 JM CI Max¯ Silver 1″ x 4′ x 8′ R-6 Polyiso Rigid Foam Insulation


房屋尺寸是44英寸x 30'd = 148线脚@ 9'墙覆盖+山墙末端=大约1500平方英尺,覆盖泡沫。

This calculates out to roughly 50 sheets, or 100 sheets after I overlap the first row to get 2″ total.
EPS: $800 for total of R-8
XPS: $1,600 for total of R-10

我想,也许我应该ditch the foam idea and spend the savings on some interior 2×4’s and make my interior cavity be 10″ wide for cellulose. I would want to have my windows be outties for simplicity and because interior trim is no problem.

What am I overlooking here?

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  1. Nate G||#1

    Polyiso does worse in cold weather; EPS and XPS both do better. Over time, XPS's R-value slowly falls to barely higher than that of EPS. Not worth it long-term unless its mechanical properties are otherwise desirable.

    At those prices, EPS is a no-brainer, and you should go thicker if you have the option to. R-12 EPS would be literally half the price of the polyiso for the same on-paper R-value.

    Furring out your 2x6s with 2x4s to create 10" cavities is not a worthwhile endeavor ; the studs will still be causing thermal bridging. If you don't want to use foam, your best option is a double-stud wall with each side made out of cheap 2x4s and filled with cheap cellulose. A 10" double-stud wall full of cellulose thermally braking the studs is an inexpensive great performer.

    With outie windows, you'd apply your housewrap over the foam. The thicker the foam, the more of a problem it becomes to adequately attach the window and the housewrap. A double-stud wall simplifies this detailing; you just build a plywood box right through the whole wall nail the housewrap right over the exposed sheathing. Some people worry about cold sheathing collecting condensation with double-stud walls; I'd use plywood rather than OSB for peace of mind. And use a ventilated rainscreen gap made of vertical furring strips over the housewrapped sheathing. Fasten your cladding to that.

    Long-term, the double-stud wall may be more resistant to termites. They love to tunnel in foam, but dislike the borates in borate-treated cellulose.

  2. Nicholas C||#2


    在WRB细节方面,双螺柱墙似乎更传统。在OSB和OSB上提出胶合板的想法*仍然*using firing strips sounds like a compromise not worth the hassle if I would already be doing that if I used rigid foam exterior, therefor not gaining much in terms of labor time.

    Do you think my assessment of "anything over 2" is troublesome" is accurate?


  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3

    易碎的EPS可能是I型(每个立方英尺的1.0磅标称密度)。II型EPS(1.5磅密度)对处理更强大,并标记为R4.15或R4.2 @ 1“而不是R3.9或R4。通常比任何给定R-的XPS比XPS更便宜25-30%价值。

    In a zone 5B location, a layer of 1" polyiso next to the structural sheathing with 1" EPS between the polyiso and siding will give better mid-winter performance than 2" of polyiso. EPS gains performance when the average temp through the foam is lower, whereas polyiso performance falls off a cliff when the average temp through the polyiso layer is under 40F. An inch of Type-II EPS as the outermost layer would be hitting north of R4.7 during the coldest weather, whereas if it were polyiso it would be somewhere around R3. By putting the EPS on the exterior and an inch of polyiso in-between you'll get a fairly stable mid-winter performance of about R10, a performance level that will not change much over decades of time.


    R19 Batts来自饥饿 - 它们是销售的垃圾绝缘产品之一。R19作为R13玻璃纤维BATT具有相同的每平方英尺,(毫不奇怪)在R13压缩到3.5“时,在R13上执行。当压缩到5.5”时,根据制造商,他们仅在R18执行。自己的压缩图表。(它们是根据其制造的阁楼的测试性能达到约6“。)R23摇滚羊毛非常好的东西,如R21”大教堂天花板“高密度玻璃纤维蝙蝠,其中任何一个都将在安装时按标记的R执行2x6框架。R19S在辐射车间下绝缘(下面有条件下面),但墙壁绝缘的借口不佳。


  4. Nicholas C||#4

    嗯,我打赌这就是我得到了搞笑的原因看起来当我告诉人们EPS是一个比XPS更好的产品,他们被用来的类型 - 我崩溃了很多产品:)我会看看他们是否可以特殊订单类型-II反而。


    The R23 mineral wool is something I will consider. It appears to be higher priced. It costs me $1.27 per sq ft compared to $0.59 per square foot for R21 CertainTeed Fiberglass.


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