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Mike M|发布了绿色建筑技术

I’ve read plenty of articles on Dudley boxes and setting innie and outie windows, but doors are a whole different animal mainly due to the swing and bottom. The sides and top are basically the same details as a window to my understanding. It may be possible there is a manufacturer that makes door settings this wide that are affordable? The wood on all of the original doors is rotting because they were set 3″ off the finished grade and got wet always. The foam will be 4″ in areas and the walls are either 2×4 or 2×6 depending on the area of the house.

Some of my questions and concerns are:

-How do I build the build the box for the bottom of the door? The door currently sits directly on a slab and there is also 4″ of insulation beneath the door for the exterior of the foundation (it’s only insulated due to radiant flooring with no insulation on the inside). Should I use a steel plate and raise the door? The door sits directly on a concrete slab.

-Can I notch the king studs and header 3/4″ to allow for the same sized door or window to fit in the original rough out?

As always, any and all help is much appreciated!

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  1. GBA Editor


    1.你将如何详细说明粉末闪烁?选择包括:(a)确保您的板坯有口袋以容纳门(见下文) - 可能为此为时已晚;(b)金属板粉闪烁;(c)粉底闪烁,由剥离和粘土制成。

    2. Is the height of the door threshold correct for good integration with your finish flooring? (Adjust as needed. It's usually OK to notch the header somewhat, as long as you don't remove 4 inches with a chainsaw.)

    3. Will the door be able to swing inwards without being impeded by the jambs? (This is a classic problem with "outie" doors installed in thick walls.) For a solution to this problem, see this article:Windows and Doors in Double-Stud Walls.



  2. Charlie Sullivan||#2


  3. Mike M||#3

    Thank you very much for your responses. I'm going to shy away from the outie door in the double stud wall because I would have to remove the entire original rough out. My biggest concern with this is the south side of my home has a wall of 7 windows, roughly 20' wide and 13' tall of mostly glass. I don't want to have to worry about jacking the roof up as I remove the headers to make them a few inches bigger..


    2. The notches would be 3/4" on all sides to allow the dudey boxes to sit in the original rough out of the doors and windows without having to move the header or king or jack studs. I planned on just using a circular saw, recip, or jigsaw to gut this 3/4" out, I would then glue, screw, and seal my boxes to these. There is no finished floor. When I moved in I left it exposed to see how well the heated floors worked. After realizing there was no insulation beneath the slab or in the perimeter I left it all alone because I was suing the guy I bought the home from as the home was specifically advertised as having insulated floors.

    3.我意识到郊外可能不会很好地与铰链和全门摇摆很好,并最终必须找到铝中的门槛延伸或制作一些东西。我更喜欢铝制,但只发现它们是5 5/8“的长并且可以有3英寸的延伸。我需要另外两个英寸。清除低于等级的外部绝缘。


  4. Whitney Johnson||#4



  5. GBA Editor

    There is nothing wrong with innie doors, as long as you have sill pans and threshold details that can handle the rain and direct the rain away from vulnerable building materials.

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