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Finishing off rim joist insulation in hard to reach areas

css1813| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I am trying to figure out how to best finish off insulation in our rim joist areas. We live in climate zone 5 (Michigan). Our rim joist areas have 3″ of closed cell spray foam installed to the outer rim joist face, and our basement walls are framed up to the floor joists and have 2″ of closed cell spray foam installed behind them. When they sprayed the foam behind the framed basement walls, in some areas where the basement wall runs parallel with the floor joist above it, they weren’t able to get foam all the way to the sill plate of the rim joist, leaving a 4″ strip of exposed concrete. They said they would be able to fill the rim joist areas with cellulose, which would cover up the exposed concrete and fill in the entire cavity. My question is, is there any issue with the cellulose touching this 4″ strip of concrete next to the sill plate? Or should I try to get some closed cell foam in there somehow? Unfortunately, it’s very hard to get to now but maybe there is a better method.

Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thank you very much.


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